Deux mondes s'affrontent : la nature sauvage aux abords du Grand Lac Salé scrutée par #TerryTempestWilliams, et la maladie de sa propre mère. Récit empli d'espoir, il est un hommage à la nature ainsi qu'un combat contre la mort. Paru en 2012 (réédité en poche l'an dernier) dans la collection #NatureWriting de chez #editionsGallmeister ⤵️
#terrytempestwilliams #naturewriting #editionsgallmeister
One of my favourite things is when I sit down to research someone who's little more than a name and suddenly they come to life. Today I discovered that a chap who lived in my house during the 1880s went on to become a popular local nature writer with 10 years of monthly newspaper columns. There was a great outpouring of grief when he died in 1915. Frederick Ford ('FF') I am looking forward to learning more about you!
#oneplacestudy #househistory #localhistory #naturewriting
I have some signed copies of my book, Ponies At the Edge of the World, available on Ko-Fi
Each comes with a set of postcards.
Ponies tells the story of Shetland ponies & the people who love them. Based on my PhD research, and journey to live in Shetland, it reflects on how our relationship with others, human, animal and landscape, affect how we feel at home in a place
#Shetland #Shetlandpony #horse #book #anthropology #nature #naturewriting #landscape #home
#home #landscape #naturewriting #nature #anthropology #book #horse #shetlandpony #shetland
New book review: ‘One Midsummer’s Day: swifts and the story of life on earth’ by Mark Cocker
#NatureWriting #Science #Birds
#naturewriting #science #birds
My view signing copies of Ponies at the Edge of the World for folk buying from Ko-Fi
#Shetland #booksigning #book #naturewriting #horses
#horses #naturewriting #book #booksigning #shetland
Dick Gaughan sings “Song, Composed in August”, by #RobertBurns
#Scottish #literature #poetry #lovepoetry #naturepoetry #naturewriting #RobertBurns #18thCentury #folksong #folkmusic
#folkmusic #folksong #18thcentury #naturewriting #naturepoetry #lovepoetry #poetry #literature #scottish #RobertBurns
Now westlin winds and slaught’ring guns
Bring Autumn’s pleasant weather;
The moorcock springs, on whirring wings,
Amang the blooming heather…
—Robert Burns, “Song, Composed in August”
digitised by the National Library of Scotland
#Scottish #literature #poetry #lovepoetry #naturepoetry #naturewriting #RobertBurns #18thCentury
#18thcentury #RobertBurns #naturewriting #naturepoetry #lovepoetry #poetry #literature #scottish
Book 4 of my summer reading pile. The Condor's Feather by Michael Webster.
It's a #travelogue, a genre I only occasionally enjoy as I often find it a bit clunky. But it is also a love story, a gorgeous elegy to #Birds, to #SouthAmerica, to the strength offered by a loving relationship + to the power of #nature to heal trauma. It certainly made me re-evaluate how I spend my time on earth.
A quiet recommendation in its genre, a book to savour.
#bookstodon #SummerReadingChallenge #NatureWriting
#naturewriting #summerreadingchallenge #bookstodon #nature #southamerica #birds #travelogue
It is publication day for the paperback edition of my book.
Ponies at the Edge of the World tells the story of Shetland ponies and the people who love them. Based on my PhD research, and journey to live in Shetland, it reflects on how our relationship with others, human, animal and landscape, affect how we feel at home in a place.
#Shetland #Shetlandpony #book #naturewriting #anthropology #horses
#horses #anthropology #naturewriting #book #shetlandpony #shetland
Yesterday I sat writing by the remains of a Neolithic house. Surround by the sea, lochs and heather hill, the only other visible structure is a chamberd cairn. I love to think of the lives this landscape has known #Shetland #archeology #writing #naturewriting #Scotland
#scotland #naturewriting #writing #archeology #shetland
@Emmacox I write in the area of the Venn diagram where science, history and nature writing intersect. #NatureWriting #WritingCommunity
#naturewriting #writingcommunity
As well as getting on with writing fantasy fiction, I would equally love to develop my nature writing. Any other nature writers here?
#writingcommunity #nature #writing #naturewriting
Interested in nature writing? Ever wondered how to put together a book proposal?
Wonder no more! Join this free online workshop this evening at 6.30pm BST with Caro Clarke of Portobello Literary: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-craft-your-nature-writing-book-proposal-tickets-679320143837
It'll untangle the mysteries of the synopsis, chapter summary, sample chapters and biog, and leave you with all the tools you need to submit your book to publishers, agents or the Nan Shepherd Prize for underrepresented voices in nature writing!
#NatureWriting #Publishing #NanShepherd #NanShepherdPrize #writing #UKpublishing
#naturewriting #publishing #nanshepherd #nanshepherdprize #writing #ukpublishing
Oh my goodness, Jaime Herndon got right to the heart of what Rosanna Xia is trying to do in #CaliforniaAgainsttheSea "It’s a beautifully written, highly relevant book about not just our relationship with and how we think about the natural world, but also how we relate to each other."
THANK YOU for being such a good reader, dear reviewer!
https://bookriot.com/summer-2023-science-books/ #sciencebooks #sealevelrise #california #environment #nature #naturewriting #bookreview #bestsciencebooks #heydaybooks
#californiaagainstthesea #ScienceBooks #sealevelrise #california #environment #nature #naturewriting #bookreview #bestsciencebooks #heydaybooks
New book review…
#RonaldBlythe #NatureWriting
New post about my recent walk with naturalist Mark Cocker. (I am stupidly pleased with the title.)
#nature #naturewriting #HebdenBridge http://richardcarter.com/sidelines/cocker-the-walk/
#nature #naturewriting #hebdenbridge
"Other careful naturalists from this period observed orcas around the coasts of Cornwall, Norfolk and Suffolk. I have spent the last five years tracking down more than 10,000 records of wildlife recorded between 1529 and 1772 by naturalists, travellers, historians and antiquarians throughout Britain and Ireland, in order to reevaluate the prevalence and habits of more than 150 species for my new book, The Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife.
In the late 18th century, wolves, beavers and probably some lynxes still survived in regions of Scotland and Ireland. By this point, wolves in particular seem to have become re-imagined as monsters, looming around every corner in the imaginations of writers such as Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun."
#biodiversity #histodons #NatureWriting #TravelWriting #17thCentury #18thCentury
#biodiversity #histodons #naturewriting #travelwriting #17thcentury #18thcentury
“I was born in 1962. There’s been an environmental crisis for as long as I’ve lived. To step outside that constant culpability was one of the many delights of Ring of Bright Water.”
—Kathleen Jamie in the London Review of Books, writing about Gavin Maxwell – born #OTD, 15 July, 1914
#Scottish #literature #wildlife #naturewriting
#naturewriting #wildlife #literature #scottish #otd
Interesting #review: A #Cultural #History of the #Soul: Europe and North America from 1870 to the Present, by Kocku von #Stuckrad:
"In the last two chapters, Stuckrad [returns] to North America, towards #naturewriting and #nature writers who would contribute significantly to inspiring the North American #environmental movement. His closing arguments explore the critical works of influential environmental authors like #RachelCarson and #BarryLopez."
#review #cultural #history #soul #stuckrad #naturewriting #nature #environmental #rachelcarson #barrylopez
Heyday's wonderful writer Charles Hood is up from So Cal for one night only! Tonight at the San Ramon library at 6:30 pm, discussing, "Does Nature Exist?"
Charles is hilarious, is a poet, photographer, and naturalist, and has traveled wisely to look at all the birds and mammals he can. He's written several field guides, essays, and books of poems, and this fall we'll publish his photo heavy book on nature at night here in the West called NOCTURNALIA, coauthored with bat expert José Gabriel Martínez-Fonseca!
Editing his book of essays A Salad Only the Devil Would Eat was a total highlight of my early days at Heyday.
#bats #SanRamon #books #naturewriting #whatisnature #nocturnalia #CharlesHood #HeydayBooks #naturephotography #nightphotography #thedarkside
#bats #sanramon #books #naturewriting #whatisnature #nocturnalia #charleshood #heydaybooks #naturephotography #nightphotography #thedarkside