Recently my Field Studies in class went to the Hausz Brothers Quarry in to observe the Lake Scuppernong sediments and bedrock strata of the Formation. We collected while we were there, and this was my first time! Here are a few of the fossil that I collected from the Ordovician strata. This includes, from left to right, up to down: a , a , a and , and a .

#geology #wisconsin #Pleistocene #Ordovician #platteville #fossils #invertabrates #crinoid #cephalopod #nautiloid #brachiopod #bryozoan #gastropod

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam S. Smith · @AdamStuartSmith
366 followers · 403 posts · Server

New on the Dinosaur Toy Blog, the nautiloid Cooperoceras (Prehistoric World by CollectA):

"For many consecutive years now CollectA has proven to be the most exciting company to watch for collectors that want more than just dinosaurs adorning their shelves."

#CollectA #nautilus #nautiloid #dinosaur #toy #cephalopod

Last updated 2 years ago