'Government imposed “significant suffering” on British-Iranian dual nationals #NazaninZaghariRatcliffe and #AnooshehAshoori by spurning early opportunities to secure their freedom.'
'Report directly criticises Liz Truss and Boris Johnson, they “let down” families by making inaccurate or counterproductive statements to Commons.'
Jeremy Hunt criticised for announcing in March 2019 that Zaghari-Ratcliffe was being given diplomatic protection and not following through.'
#nazaninzaghariratcliffe #anooshehashoori
Listened to the most moving interview between Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe & Andy Murray on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this morning. Do try to hear it if you can. #NazaninZaghariRatcliffe #AndyMurray
#nazaninzaghariratcliffe #andymurray
https://bbc.in/3VuMCEc “I love #radio”
@Marthakearney [#Twitter handle] speaks to #abba legend #BjörnUlveaus about why he "jumped at the chance" to guest #edit #bbcr4 #Today
Björn’s #R4Today programme will look at the future of #Europe, #AI, #music and #Eurovision
Other guest editors in the week between #Christmas+#NewYear include #jamieoliver #nazaninzaghariratcliffe #ianbotham #johnlewis boss #SharonWhite #JeremyFleming – Director of Government Communications Headquarters (#GCHQ)
#radio #twitter #abba #BjörnUlveaus #edit #bbcr4 #today #r4today #Europe #ai #music #eurovision #christmas #NewYear #jamieoliver #nazaninzaghariratcliffe #ianbotham #johnlewis #SharonWhite #JeremyFleming #gchq