PM Petteri Orpo to the rescue!

Nazi minister Riikka Purra was left speechless after journalists question in the press conference.

Yeah it’s probably not easy to say “it was difficult because it went against every cell in my racist nazi body.” in a press conference where you’re supposed to appear as a person who’s not a racist nazi.

#nazijokegovernment #racism #naziscum #racisminfinland #nazijokeprimeminister #basicfinnnazis #politics #politicsfi #pressconference #nazijokeminister

Last updated 1 year ago

PM Petteri Orpo to the rescue!

Nazi minister Riikka Purra was left speechless after journalists question in the press conference.

Yeah it’s probably not easy to say “it was difficult because it went against every cell in my racist nazi body.” in a press conference where you’re supposed to appear as a person who’s not a racist nazi.


#nazijokegovernment #racism #naziscum #racisminfinland #nazijokeprimeminister #basicfinnnazis #politics #pressconference #nazijokeminister

Last updated 1 year ago

there’s also a dangerous bird flu cocktail brewing in finnish fur farms.

normally the government would step in and do something but, it’s different when you have incompetent nazis running the show.

so nothing is happening, no press release or action plan from the government. just few comments from the agricultural and forestry minister Sari Essayah, that you can read below.

#nextpandemic #nazijokegovernment #politics #birdflu #finland #politicsfi #nazijokeminister

Last updated 1 year ago

Matias Mäkynen (SDP) let’s the PM have it with his output on the latest racism scandal that has rabidly spilled outside Finnish borders and is already affecting international relations (not to leave out domestic rise on anti-immigrant violence, racism and xenophobia).

#sdp #nazijokegovernment #naziscum #nazijokeminister #racism #islam #putinism

Last updated 1 year ago

Message send to German journalist Alex RĂĽhle by assistant Tuulia Alanko on Wille Rydmans behalf is published by MTV News.

In the article Alanko says the text itself was written by Rydman and she just translated and sent it.

Weird in my opinion to blame the assistant for this, it’s not like they just draft and send stuff all over Europe by their own will without the ministers knowledge.

#politics #politicsfi #nazijokeminister #nazijokegovernment #finland #freedomofpress #mtvuutiset

Last updated 1 year ago

Message send to German journalist Alex RĂĽhle by assistant on Wille Rydmans behalf is published by MTV News.

Weird in my opinion to blame the assistant for this, it’s not like they just draft and send stuff all over Europe by their own will without the ministers knowledge.

#politics #politicsfi #nazijokeminister #nazijokegovernment #finland #freedomofpress #mtvuutiset

Last updated 1 year ago

more nazi groomer minister Rydman news.

he is now evolving the Basic Finn nazi harassment of journalists beyond our borders, targeting a German journalist.

link to the naXis site where this is from if you want to check the related threads as well.

#nazijokegovernment #nazis #politicsfi #politics #finland #nazijokeminister #groomernazi #farright #freepress #freedomOfSpeach #nazishit

Last updated 1 year ago

Next nazi minister we’re going through is, minister of finances and vice PM Riikka Purra (BF).

#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeminister #politics #politicsfi #finland

Last updated 1 year ago

minister Wille Rydman has somehow managed to be even more racist ass of a nazi groomer.

this time i dont have to translate, heres a helsinki times article about these “latest” racist shits he has talked about.

TW: racist language used by a nazi scum minister. 👇

#nazijokegovernment #rydman #naziscum #nazijokeminister #politics #politicsfi #nazis #racism #finland

Last updated 1 year ago

Riikka Purra claims to have never talked about violence or any sort of extremist actions in scripta comments.

I guess asking people to join you out to “spit on beggars” and “beat up n-slur children” isn’t violence.

or wishing someone hands you a gun so you can slaughter young immigrants in commute train isn’t violence or extremists behaviour.

Nah bullshit, all of the above IS violence, hate speech and unforgivable as we’ve gone through in thread above.

#nazijokeminister #politicsfi #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

Riikka Purra claims to have never talked about violence or any sort of extremist actions in scripta comments.

I guess asking people to join you out to “spit on beggars” and “beat up n-slur children” isn’t violence.

or wishing someone hands you a gun so you can slaughter young immigrants in commute train isn’t violence or extremists behaviour.

Nah bullshit, all of the above IS violence, hate speech and unforgivable as we’ve gone through in thread above.

#nazijokeminister #politicsfi #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

I also heard that social security minister said in TV interview this morning something along the lines “The basic income support should be the last option and applying for it should be difficult with precise applications”.

which is. what the basic income support literally is already.

you have to apply for every other support aid before you can get it. application form has 6 pages and need to attach 3 month of bank statements from every family member etc.

#politicsfi #politics #nazijokeminister

Last updated 1 year ago

Minister of internal affairs Mari Rantanen has now commented the terrorism news from yesterday and says its “very worrying” and “should be taken seriously”.

Let me remind you that she herself believes in the violence promoting far right extremist theory about population replacement, not a conspiracy theory, _a theory_.

What a load of hypocritical bullshit.

#nazijoke #nazijokegovernment #nazijokeminister #politics #politicsfi #terrorism

Last updated 1 year ago

Fuck yeah, very good analysis about the “polarisation” and “the two extremes” here. There are no “two equally extremist fighting each other”. There’s side of parties capable of civil discussion and then those who aren’t.

Whole article in link, i will translate some points below.

#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeminister #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokespeakerofparliament #politics #politicsfi

Last updated 1 year ago

Basic Finn minister Wille Rydman (check beginning of thread) has claimed on multiple occasions that there is a conspiracy where some finnish operative spread false claims into the international media.

He hints its work done by putins troll factories and openly mocks opposition representatives for being worried about the state of democracy as “hysteric over reactors” whos “requests are ridiculous”.

#nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #politics #nazijokeminister

Last updated 1 year ago

Next, the new minister of transportation and communications, who in charge of climate change information is in fact a climate change denialist. She is also a member of the official far right nazi party, Basic Finns.

#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeminister

Last updated 1 year ago

the leading four ministers have met today for another “serious conversation”.

SPP had a closed meeting after that with its own parliament group and they’ve discussed about continuing in the government.

next antigovernment protest i know of is on Wednesday next week.

will the government live to see that?

#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeminister #nazijokeprimeminister #politicsfi #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

Minister of finances, one nazi called Riikka Purra is trying very hard to spin her racist 2019 “take” on women wearing burkas being the demise of Finland to be some kind of feminist things where she was talking against oppression of women.

that’s bullshit and to demonstrate, here is how she among others voted when parliament discussed about expanding the abortion rights.

She doesn’t give a shit about women rights or anyones for that matter.

#resignpurra #nazijokeminister #nazijokegovernment

Last updated 1 year ago

Purra has, once again, threatened that she will kick over the whole fucking government if SPP wont join in supporting her.

She has also made clear that she hasn’t even considered resigning even with the petition and that she will not apologise for her later racist texts as those are perfectly in line with BFs agenda.

Basically BF politicians are just waiting for people to lose interest in the matter by fall.

below screenshots from Iltalehti articles.

#nazijokeminister #nazijokegovernment

Last updated 1 year ago