more antigovernment street art seen in Finland. #politics #politicsFI #streetArt #politicalArt #finland #racism #fascim #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeNcP
#politics #politicsfi #streetart #politicalart #finland #racism #fascim #nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokencp
PM Petteri Orpo to the rescue!
Nazi minister Riikka Purra was left speechless after journalists question in the press conference.
Yeah it’s probably not easy to say “it was difficult because it went against every cell in my racist nazi body.” in a press conference where you’re supposed to appear as a person who’s not a racist nazi.
#naziJokeGovernment #racism #naziScum #racismInFinland #naziJokePrimeMinister #basicFinnNazis #politics #PoliticsFI #pressConference #naziJokeMinister
#nazijokegovernment #racism #naziscum #racisminfinland #nazijokeprimeminister #basicfinnnazis #politics #politicsfi #pressconference #nazijokeminister
PM Petteri Orpo to the rescue!
Nazi minister Riikka Purra was left speechless after journalists question in the press conference.
Yeah it’s probably not easy to say “it was difficult because it went against every cell in my racist nazi body.” in a press conference where you’re supposed to appear as a person who’s not a racist nazi.
#naziJokeGovernment #racism #naziScum #racismInFinland #naziJokePrimeMinister #basicFinnNazis #politics PoliticsFI #pressConference #naziJokeMinister
#nazijokegovernment #racism #naziscum #racisminfinland #nazijokeprimeminister #basicfinnnazis #politics #pressconference #nazijokeminister
Umm, Petteri? You truly have no faintest idea what the fuck you’re doing most of the time right?
#naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeNCP #naziJokePrimeMinister #politicsFI #politics #finland
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokencp #nazijokeprimeminister #politicsfi #politics #finland
umm.. yeah that about covers it.
#politicsFI #finland #politics #leMonde #news #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #petteriOrpo #cabinetOfHorrors #nazis #racism #fascism
#politicsfi #finland #politics #lemonde #News #nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #petteriorpo #cabinetofhorrors #nazis #racism #fascism
a great blog entry from earlier this month from Saku Timonen.
does the government even know what it’s doing? changes are they don’t. #naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #uuninpankkopoika #naziJokeNCP #naziJokePrimeMinister #finland #fuckNazis
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #uuninpankkopoika #nazijokencp #nazijokeprimeminister #finland #fucknazis
PM Petteri Orpo: this will benefit everyone!
actual experts: The biggest beneficiaries of inheritance tax abolition would be people who are already wealthy, according to a new report.
#naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeFinland #politics #politicsFI #finland #petteriOrpo
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokefinland #politics #politicsfi #finland #petteriorpo
Something more jolly for a change,
Do you think you’d be a better PM than Petteri Orpo?
Here’s a small game where you’re a PM of Finland for a day. You have to try and catch the frogs and nazi jokes that your ministers spits out in order to keep your government standing.
I got 259 points. 💪 #naziJokeGoverment #naziJokePrimeMinister #finland #games
#nazijokegoverment #nazijokeprimeminister #finland #games
honeymoon of the newly formed government has ended sooner than usual with the falling support rates. below the leading article from Helsingin Sanomat (HS).
“that’s what you get when you let your 💙 win!” is stuck in my head atm.
#naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeFinland #politics #politicsFI #finland #naziScum #nazis #fuckNazis
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokefinland #politics #politicsfi #finland #naziscum #nazis #fucknazis
Finlands PM Petteri Orpo is very fond of making statements like “this cannot be tolerated in anyway” and leading it with a “but” every single time.
but messages were old.
but she said she’s sorry.
but we talked about it and its fine.
but the government program is so good.
but the government needs to get to work.
I am beginning to think the biggest nazi joke in this government is Petteri Orpo himself.
#naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeNCP #naziJokePrimeMinister #politics #politicsFI #finland #nazis
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokencp #nazijokeprimeminister #politics #politicsfi #finland #nazis
”most important news from Thursday shortly.
goverment is struggling with its antiracism goals since Basic Finns don’t give a fuck about antiracism.
the end.”
#naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeFinland #politics #politicsFI #finland #racism
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokefinland #politics #politicsfi #finland #racism
Are you wondering what our prime minister Petteri Orpo is doing for this shit show currently?
Absolutely nothing, not a thing. He is on another of his vacations, fixing old chainsaw and making firewoods at his summer cottage.
#naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeNCP #politicsFI #politics
#nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokencp #politicsfi #politics
Massive antiracism and antigovernment protest in Helsinki, 19.7.2023.
Finnish antigovernment protests chanting “hallitus alas!” that translates directly to “down with the government!”.
#protest #antiGovernmentProtest #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #fuckNazis #zeroToleranceForFascists
#protest #antigovernmentprotest #nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #fucknazis #zerotoleranceforfascists
Biggest scandal this week in #Finland isn’t really about the nazis or their actions, hate campaigns, conspiracy theories or accusations towards international press being a part of putinist propaganda machine.
It is “is it okay to call a nazi accomplish or a nazi with mean names and overall use harsh language when opposing fascism.”-scandal.
For fucks sake I am 👌 close to completely loosing my shit over here. #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeFinland #politicsFI #politics #naziJokePrimeMinister
#finland #nazijokegovernment #nazijokefinland #politicsfi #politics #nazijokeprimeminister
Biggest scandal this week in #Finland isn’t about the nazis.
It is “is it okay to call a nazi accomplish or a nazi with mean names and overall use harsh language when opposing fascism.”-scandal.
For fucks sake I am 👌 close to completely loosing my shit over here. #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeFinland #politicsFI #politics #naziJokePrimeMinister
#finland #nazijokegovernment #nazijokefinland #politicsfi #politics #nazijokeprimeminister
Fuck yeah, very good analysis about the “polarisation” and “the two extremes” here. There are no “two equally extremist fighting each other”. There’s side of parties capable of civil discussion and then those who aren’t.
Whole article in link, i will translate some points below.
#naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeMinister #naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeSpeakerOfParliament #politics #politicsFI
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeminister #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokespeakerofparliament #politics #politicsfi
Fear not, in the latest attempt to shut up the SPP and media, the government is now founding a working group to “for a notice to the government about equality and promoting concrete antiracist actions”.
The reasoning is that with this program the Basic Finns will pledge to prevent racism.
for fucks sake. burn it to the ground, leave in your resignation and stop wasting taxpayers money you fascist bastards is my advice. #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #politicsFI #politics #fuckNazis
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #politicsfi #politics #fucknazis
Hi, Urpo, if it’s SO IMPORTANT to have a PROPER CONVERSATION why aren’t you demanding Halla-Aho to summon the opposition TO HAVE THE FUCKING CONVERSATION WITH YOU?
probably because you’re a fucking coward ass hiding behind your puppeteer fascists pretending nothing is wrong and facing the opposition would probably be damaging to you psyche at this stage of deep denial or just simply embarrassing as fuck. #naziJokePrimeMinister
THIS JUST IN, Orpo commented the situation with this weeks goverment crisis;
Government has agreed to continue the conversations this week.
“It’s important to have conversations. That is what this whole country needs.”
He also says it’s also important to listen to others.
“Things must be able to sort by talking them through.”
Orpo says that the government needs to get to work,
“I am trustful.”
Orpo also thinks it would be good if everyone would calm down a bit. #naziJokePrimeMinister
”it’s not a big deal” says another Basic Finn fascist and child groomer, while liberal assholes dance by their bells and have an illusion of power over these fuckers who will miss-use any opportunity given to them.
and now the bigger asshole of them all has given them the government and the parliament. bravo to Orpo, fascist companion of the century. #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #NaziJokeNCP #hateSpeakerOfParliament
#nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokencp #hatespeakerofparliament