🫠 Again. They haven't learned anything after the Tay bot-turned-nazi fiasco. Probably that's why ChatGPT has a personality disabled.
👁 See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/02/16/microsoft-bing-ai-chatbot-sydney/
#Microsoft #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Tay #ChatGPT #GPT #ChatBot #ChatBots #Coding #Programming #Tech #Bing #BingMEWS #MicrosoftMEWS #AIChatbox #NazismMEWS #Sydney
#microsoft #ai #artificialintelligence #tay #chatgpt #GPT #chatbot #chatbots #coding #programming #tech #bing #bingmews #microsoftmews #aichatbox #nazismmews #sydney
Lost photos from Warsaw Ghetto Uprising reveal horror of Jews’ last stand
#HolocaustMEWS #PolandMEWS #NazismMEWS #EuropeMEWS #SecondWorldWarMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #MuseumsMEWS
Images found in attic taken by Polish firefighter who risked life to record how Jewish Poles fought the Nazis despite impossible oddsThe photographs are blurry, composed hastily and taken surreptitiousl...
#holocaustmews #polandmews #nazismmews #europemews #secondworldwarmews #worldnewsmews #museumsmews