The Five Best Horror Films to Darken Your Memorial Day
Or you can watch them any time. From this list, I have seen Frankenstein's Army, The Devil's Rock, and Blood Vessel, so 3 out of 5. BTW, at this moment, #Tubi has four of them. You can find Overlord now on #PlutoTV for free.
#nazisploitation #horror #films #movies #plutotv #tubi
Holocauste nazi - Armes secrètes du 3ème Reich (1977)
Des fantasmes sado-maso sur fond de nazisme. Un navet sans budget et qui frise l’amateurisme.
#HolocausteNazi #LuigiBatzella #MachaMagall #SalvatoreBaccaro #LaBestiaInCalore #Nazisploitation #Nazi #Nazisme #SM #SadoMaso #SadoMasochisme #Film #Cinema
#holocaustenazi #luigibatzella #machamagall #salvatorebaccaro #labestiaincalore #nazisploitation #nazi #nazisme #sm #sadomaso #sadomasochisme #film #cinema