Just discussing…
Even at $300 #NFLSundayTicket is roughly 2.5x more expensive than #NBALeaguePass #MLBTV and ~3x the new #AppleTV #MLSSeasonPass.
With #YouTube playing #NFL as much as they did for the rights, those costs will go to consumers.
I’m also not sure if #DirectTV ever did a price increase? I subscribed a long time ago and it seems like $300 sounds about right even back then.
Should be interesting.
#nflsundayticket #nbaleaguepass #mlbtv #appletv #mlsseasonpass #youtube #nfl #directtv
Mavericks seem to be having a breakdown. Can’t seem to pull out a win much these days #nba #nbaleaguepass
#NBA #nba #nbaleaguepass Giannis will get 50 tonight. Such a beast!! #Bucks
VALANCIUNAS having the game of his life and it’s not even half time #nba. Bucks and Pelicans in a great back and forth game at the moment. #nbaleaguepass
Sports blackouts are such a pain in the ass; paying for #SlingTV and #NBALeaguePass and still can't watch #Sixers vs #Warriors without a little trickery 🙄
#slingtv #nbaleaguepass #Sixers #warriors
I was not going to signup to NBA League Pass... but with NBA50 cupom I could not avoid. :)
#nba #basketball #nbaleaguepass