There *is* some evidence for sex selective abortions in Canada. See this paper from the #NBER : http://www.aeaweb.org/aea/2011conference/program/retrieve.php?pdfid=48
(Via the #CMAJ at https://www.cmaj.ca/content/184/3/E163 )
The NBER recession indicator has a perfect track record of predicting the bottom of every bear market since 1945. It says that the current bear market will end after a recession is announced. Do you agree with this indicator? https://www.msn.com/en-xl/finance/markets/this-market-indicator-hasnt-been-wrong-after-world-war-ii-heres-where-it-says-stocks-are-headed/ar-AA19n1Vv?ocid=sapphireappshare #NBER #bearmarket #recession
RT @CavaliereGiu@twitter.com
Hi #EconTwitter!
For economists interested in 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞:
Check out these three great #NBER lectures by Alberto Abadie (@MITEcon@twitter.com), Rocio Titiunik & Matias Cattaneo (@Princeton@twitter.com) on Synthetic Controls and Regression Discontinuity Designs
Very nice stuff!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CavaliereGiu/status/1615801600831852561
this paper, from the economics literature, asserts that in the 1970s, and untill recently, Unionized workers were LESS happy then non unionized workers !!
is this at all true ?
#unions #economics #econtwitter #NBER #workers
#workers #nber #econtwitter #economics #unions
The excess death rate has been 76% higher among republicans than democrats during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you want your political party to win, wear a mask and get vaccinated!
I am an #economist who studies #inequality in #education
My research & policy work are informed by my own experience as a #firstgen college grad
I am a #professor at #Harvard, an alum of #MIT, a former prof at #umich
I have frequently written columns for the #nytimes: http://bit.ly/3TbaxXV
#Somerville is my hometown I now live in #Cambridge
I am a fellow at the #NBER, #NAEd, #AAAS, and #Carnegie Foundation
Besides #economics I post on #politics #pets #feminism #stats
#introduction #economist #inequality #education #firstgen #professor #harvard #mit #umich #nytimes #somerville #cambridge #nber #naed #aaas #carnegie #economics #politics #pets #feminism #stats
📬 Remote Work mündet in “Apokalypse der Büroimmobilien”
#Studie #Bürogebäude #Immobiliencrash #Immobilienmarkt #NBER #Pensionsfond #RemoteWork #Telearbeit https://tarnkappe.info/studie/remote-work-muendet-in-apokalypse-der-bueroimmobilien-257312.html
#telearbeit #remotework #Pensionsfond #nber #immobilienmarkt #Immobiliencrash #bürogebäude #studie
📬 Wale halten 27% des gesamten Bitcoin-Vermögens #Krypto #AntoinetteSchoar #Bitcoin #IgorMakarov #NationalBureauofEconomicResearch #NBER #SpencerBogart #Wale https://tarnkappe.info/wale-halten-27-des-gesamten-bitcoin-vermoegens/
#wale #spencerbogart #nber #nationalbureauofeconomicresearch #IgorMakarov #bitcoin #AntoinetteSchoar #krypto