@brad Nice! Didn't see any this time around. The only sculpture I noticed was still there was the "healing circle" of stones to the right of the main path as you go up. We hadn't been for a while and we noticed quite a few changes. They've got much better with their labelling, which was very much lacking before. #nbgw
I loved this plant in the glass house. It was a bit like a gigantic aspidistra on acid. Couldn't find a label though. #nbgw
There were even cheeky monkeys in the glass house (but that may have just been me and Mike). 😊 #nbgw
This variety of sweetcorn has these lovely red tufts. Another visitor had decided they would look nice in a plait. 😊 #nbgw
I loved the colours on this purple hazel yesterday, especially in combination with that sky. #nbgw
The main water feature at THE NATIONAL BOTANIC GARDEN OF WALES is this long, pebble lined rill. It snakes it's way down the central avenue, sometimes going underground before popping back up again, or flowing around groups of ancient boulders. It ends at a large spiral and fountain. #nbgw
One of my favourite photos from yesterday at THE NATIONAL BOTANIC GARDEN OF WALES. #nbgw #bloomscrolling #flowers
#nbgw #bloomscrolling #flowers
The unmistakable, spectacular roof of the dome at the National Botanic Gardens of Wales. #nbgw Just in case anyone is interested, you can see from these photos that each huge arch is held in place with a ball joint. I thought that was interesting, but then I'm odd like that.
Really glad we went to #luminate at #nbgw this evening. So wonderful to see the place in the dark and all looked beautiful. #nationalbotanicgardenwales #nationalbotanicgardenofwales
#nationalbotanicgardenofwales #nationalbotanicgardenwales #nbgw #luminate