❖ US-CERT Current Activity Feed
⟨ " Summary of the most frequent, high-impact types of #SecurityIncidents currently being reported to the #US-CERT " ⟩
@ https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity.xml
❖ National Cyber Awareness System (#NCAS) Alert Feed
⟨ " Timely information about current #SecurityIssues, #Vulnerabilities, and #Exploits. " ⟩
@ https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/alerts.xml
#cisa #securityincidents #us #ncas #securityissues #vulnerabilities #exploits
RT @BCnursemidwife@twitter.com
Starting Jan. 31, we're piloting a new registration process for internationally-educated nurses. This new process aims to reduce delays and barriers #NCAS @BCnursemidwife@twitter.com @adriandix@twitter.com @langaracollege@twitter.com @BCNursesUnion@twitter.com https://bit.ly/3uS3N7B
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BCnursemidwife/status/1612899394558328834