Tuve un inconveniente con #urxvt y #ncmpcpp en #i3wm. La cosa era que al abrir el reproductor, este por parámetros del config i3, debería de redirigirse, abriéndose en x workspace al ser llamado (cosa que funcionaba), pero nada que nada (no se, si producto de algún ultimo update o no).
Al revisar con xprop, me di con la sorpresa que en la linea WM_CLASS(STRING)="urxvt","URxvt" en vez de mencionar a ncmpcpp (¿porque?. no lo se)...
A bit of Steve 'n' Seagulls on a grotty winter afternoon is always a good idea. 😎
#archlinux #dwm #tdrop #ncmpcpp #mpd
#archlinux #dwm #tdrop #ncmpcpp #mpd
I am having a problem with #ncmpcpp where it doesn't show songs specifically from the second disk of this album
as you can see in the first pic, the songs that show up on ncpmcpp are from 1 till 11 where on the second pic you can see there is a second disk in the album (which I have downloaded)
Can anyone help?
@spacebuffer #ncmpcpp is great! Sadly Im no longer in linux-land. Hade do get back to wintendo "because of work".
Planing to get my self a second computer sometimes.
ncmpcpp displays a "Connection rejected" message. I've not edited my config files for a while but I've updated the system so it seems obvious that this update has messed up my music player.
It's really frustrating when something is ok, you're happy with it and then, someone f#@$ it.
I am trying to compile a comprehensive list of most popular music players for Linux. I am going to make a separate list for music players for the terminal like #mp3blaster #ncmpcpp #cmus #moc and #musikcube
Any other music player that should be on this list?
#cmus #moc #ncmpcpp #mp3blaster #musikcube
Relax, kickback and listen to your music with #mpd and #ncmpcpp - https://bit.ly/2UTlRMd @opensuse
'Discovered, today, that not only can #ncmpcpp edit file metadata/tags but also rename the file based off of those? Which, if that includes creating directories for artist and album info. – as well –, that easily solves the issue I've had for the last, like, 3 years and I wish I had known this sooner.
Just the other day I first set #mpd and #ncmpcpp for my music. Man, so many new possibilities open up by a simple daemon. Gotta love #freesoftware #foss #opensource
#mpd #ncmpcpp #freesoftware #foss #opensource