Top North Carolina judge faces potential sanctions for talking about racial discrimination #NCPolitics #NCpol
Apparently I made this some time back -- don't remember when, but I think before I started using Mastodon. Anyway, felt like sharing. #NorthCarolina #NCPolitics #PatMcCrory #meme #BikeFallMeme
#bikefallmeme #meme #patmccrory #ncpolitics #northcarolina
It's horrible policy and a massive grift, but to its Republican backers, that's a feature, not a bug. And turncoat Tricia Cotham is a charter school industry shill. #NCpolitics #NCPol
The Case for Vouchers Collapses - Carolina Forward
New voter ID rules in NC: What you need to know to vote in North Carolina in 2023 - Triangle Blog Blog #NCPolitics #NCpol
What a pathetically small and dishonest person she is. #NCPolitics #NCPol #AbortionRights
Rep. Tricia Cotham contradicts 2015 speech by saying she didn't have an abortion | WFAE 90.7 - Charlotte's NPR News Source
#ncpolitics #ncpol #abortionrights
NC General Assembly taking up an anti-trans school sports bill:
#NCpol #NCpolitics #TransRights #Transphobia
#ncpol #ncpolitics #transrights #transphobia
Turncoat Trisha Cotham will enable the passage of anti-trans legislation that will put young people’s lives at risk. #ProtectTransKids #transphobia #TransRights #ncpol #ncpolitics
#protecttranskids #transphobia #transrights #ncpol #ncpolitics
bUt vOTiNG doESn’T WoRK #NCPolitics #TriciaCotham #TriangleNC #NorthCarolina
#northcarolina #trianglenc #triciacotham #ncpolitics
Tricia Cotham is from a Biden +23 seat. Can hardly imagine this state getting worse but it looks like that's where it's going. Peak white woman bullshit. #TriangleNC #DurhamNC #NorthCarolina #NCPolitics
#ncpolitics #northcarolina #durhamnc #trianglenc
I’m no general contractor, but paying $1m to get rid of “older buildings” at my local elementary school seems a bit high - when I hope it’s just carting away tin-can unused unsafe “mobile classrooms.”
And Mr. Folwell’s caution for Charlotte spending makes me think he’s running for something. Has felt apparent for awhile. Don’t sh*t on Charlotte’s needs to up your R cred, dude.
“My friends, my name is Madison and I am so proud to be a new resident of Florida,” the nation's youngest ex-Congressman told a Republican political rally in Sarasota. He actually bought a million-dollar house in Cape Coral in August 2022 — while still officially representing #Asheville and #WNC — which, for those who care, would make him eligible to run for Congress from Florida in 2024.
#NorthCarolina #MadisonCawthorn #ncpolitics #traitor #StochasticTerrorist #NeverForgetJanuary6th
#NeverForgetJanuary6th #stochasticterrorist #traitor #ncpolitics #MadisonCawthorn #northcarolina #wnc #asheville
Cawthorn claims he never heard from Edwards about data; Edwards responds with screenshots
#BlackMastodon #ncpolitics #uspolitics
The #GOP should have never fronted this jackass. #NC11 #Cawthorn #USpolitics #NCpolitics
#ncpolitics #uspolitics #cawthorn #NC11 #gop
On behalf of the great state of #NorthCarolina, most of us are profoundly sorry for sending Mr. Bathroom Bill,, to the US House. And yes, the has a matchless record of using Black people as props. Just ask Herschel Walker #ncpol #ncpolitics #Speakerofthehouse
#northcarolina #ncpol #ncpolitics #speakerofthehouse
New census numbers show why North Carolina’s population keeps growing
#USCensusBureau #ncpolitics #BlackMastodon #USpol
The banned books in US state prisons, including in NC. From the Marshall Project.
The writer of this, Jordan Greene, is on here somewhere, but I have no clue where. Maybe some hashtags or others on here will help me find him.
#moorecountync #ncpolitics #moorecounty #thegrid #extremists #extremism
#moorecountync #ncpolitics #moorecounty #thegrid #extremists #extremism
NC’s Supreme Court, which is about to lose its progressive majority in January, is lit today.
#NCPolitics #ncpol
#DemocracyOutLoud is a #peaceful #protest community located in the #NorthCarolina #Triangle. We #march, #advocate for our communities at the #NCGA, and work tirelessly to advance #inclusion and #fairness in our #democracy. New members are welcome to join us on Zoom at 11:30 am on Tuesdays. Subscribe to our #tinyletter full of inspiration and actions you can take here:
#BLM #DemCastNC #indivisible #ncpol #ncpolitics #tinyletter #Democracy #fairness #Inclusion #ncga #advocate #march #triangle #northcarolina #protest #peaceful #democracyoutloud #Introduction