Dr Annetta Mallon · @annettamallon
341 followers · 2005 posts · Server aus.social

Did you know that the Natural Death Advocacy Network (NDAN) offer bi-monthly information sessions that include some of the biggest names in the field - and that you don't have to be a member to attend?! The sessions run for 2 hours, with the first half being recorded and available for attendees to replay for 2 months post-event. The second half is a Q and A, but only available for NDAN members and is not recorded.

On April 2nd from 9-11am (GMT +11 Hobart/Melbourne time) Dr John Troyer will present on Technologies of the Human Corpse. Dr Troyer is the Director for Death and Society at the University of Bath, and a co-founder of the Death Reference Desk website.

You can book your tickets through trybooking here: trybooking.com/events/landing?

Discount prices available to members - for a modest fee of $30 per year you can really reap the benefits.

#endoflife #information #webinar #ndan #endoflifedoula #deathliteracy #DeathDoula #event

Last updated 2 years ago