I am truly honored to have been selected to speak at #NDCSecurity. The staff were so welcoming. #NDC Secuity had incredible speakers on deep and engaging topics. Norway has been amazing. We’ve loved touring around Oslo. The museums are incredible. The food was great. Coffee everywhere! Everyone was nice and we had great conversations.
I hope I can return. Either to speak again or just to visit.
Today was great! Despite not having slept much, my presentation went well and was generally well-received. Also got the chance to see a few good talks. And to finally get to meet @magnologan, after having known each other online for a long time. Also happy to meet @Chrisayers, @webtonull and many others. Great conference! 🇳🇴
#NDC #security #ndcsecurity #ndcoslo
My slides for my talk at #NDCSecurity today
"Return Oriented Programming, an introduction"
Boarded and ready to go to Oslo Norway for #NDCSecurity #NDC. It is an amazing honor to share with everyone my talk on “Securely deploying Infrastructure as Code”. I am so excited!!
Just got home from an amazing #codestock. All packed up for Oslo Norway and #NDC #NDCSecurity. Come see my talk on “Securely deploying Infrastructure as Code”. I’ll have lots of demos and code samples.
Context: I’m working on my new talk about Return Oriented Programming which premiers at #NDCSecurity
My workshop for #NDCSecurity is such a treat - ever wanted to learn the fundamentals of binary exploitation? This is the training for you. Extremely hands on.