@trib @timrichards
Sadly agree, especially about being traumatised by 2019 election. The policies proposed then were very good indeed, sound and practical. But the vile KillBill campaign worked. Now the #Labor govt seems timid and subservient to business and US. Albanese has certainly not lived up to expectations re community welfare and more social equity despite his vaunted origins.
Am very disillusioned and disappointed by their mediocre attitude. In particular to environment and climate, also the crawling re AUKUS and bringing an ongoing redneck US in to control so much under that umbrella.
At least Bill Shorten is attempting to clean the stables for #NDIS and the after math of #Robodebt. But that is mammoth task with depleted PS, lost knowledge & experience and limited money to spend in community service sector.
The deadline for DSP Review is fast approaching. I have not got my letters from my additional assessments from Psych and OT yet.
I have the form asking for a review. I do not know what to put for "what decision do you want formally reviewed"? Or "Why are you apply for a formal review"? #ActuallyAutistc #NDIS #DSP
If cuts to the #NDIS are necessary then let's ensure all are equally affected.
Governments have a bad habit of grandfathering rorts so that one generation keeps the benefit for life while future Australians lose out.
#GlenLeLievre @glenlelievre Black hole #cartoon More cartoons, gifs and videos on Patreon https://patreon.com/glenlelievre #Subs #AUKUS #NDIS #nuclearpowered #submarine #auspol
#alt #alttext
#alttext #alt #auspol #submarine #nuclearpowered #ndis #aukus #subs #cartoon #glenlelievre
Dutton suggesting #NDIS cuts to pay for expensive submarines is the latest attack on disabled people | El Gibbs #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/14/suggesting-ndis-cuts-to-pay-for-expensive-submarines-is-the-latest-attack-on-disabled-people?CMP=share_btn_tw
@skyfire101 @feather1952
I'm struggling to be surprised that he would choose the #NDIS over stage 3 tax cuts.
Black hole
More cartoons, gifs and videos on Patreon
Another #NDIS shop opened near Caboolture Square. They keep popping up like a scourge. It's free to customers so they lap it up.
‘We have to fight’: the over-65s challenging NDIS age exclusions https://andrewhansen.au/we-have-to-fight-the-over-65s-challenging-ndis-age-exclusions/ #AustralianPolitics #TheGuardian #LatestNews #Disability #AgedCare #Carers #health #NDIS
#australianpolitics #theguardian #latestnews #disability #agedcare #carers #health #ndis
I think my key take away from today at the #NDIS and mental health conference was we need to spend less time trying to help square pegs fit into round holes and start making more square holes.
We can do much more to make our society more accessible for people with different needs, be it mental health, psychosocial disability or neuro diversity.
Perhaps also I could wear my neurodiversity with a bit more pride. It isn't a secret but I don't really share it in professional contexts.
#ndis #mentalhealth #neurodivese #disability #autistic #adhd
Very fortunate to be in Sydney for the #NDIS and Mental Health conference, not only have I learnt a lot and had a heap of interesting conversations, I got spend some time at this lovely spot.
Less than a quarter of disability services who responded to a workforce survey employed people with disability.
Research underlines the need for strong policy measures to employ more people with disability.
#Disability #Equity #Employment #news #research #Australia #Auspol #NDIS
#disability #equity #employment #news #research #australia #auspol #ndis
I really, really hate when the #NDIS support provider just up and changes my support worker without notice or explanation. I'm only with this provider because the last one kept jerking me around with schedule changes and swapping out support workers. Now I have to learn to get used to someone new, a process that takes at least three or four weekly visits, and the new guy doesn't even drink coffee.
Great to see this story out at MND Australia about barriers to the #NDIS for people living with #mnd and what can help make the NDIS easier to access. https://www.mndaustralia.org.au/articles/why-accurate-and-fair-ndis-eligibility-assessments-are-critical-for-human-rights-and-the-mnd-communi
Any folks out there in the #NDIS space who have some familiarity with actions a provider can take against a former staff member for poaching clients?
In my business, we take the view that participants (and staff) have choice and control and it is up to us to do better to retain both of them.
The agency my family use for their supports however provide a terrible service and have a vague threat of 'legal action' hanging in the air if my family were to directly engage one of their former staff members.
I have not heard of this actually happening so it sounds like an empty threat to me....has anyone heard of a provider actually having success in this sort of action?
Just got an invoice from #NDIS provider charging me $138 an hour (min 3h + travel) for a house clean on the most recent public holiday.
They did call to say it'd be 'at a higher rate' but fuuuuck me. Feeling rather taken advantage of.
You know they'll say 'we told you & you agreed, idiot' & I'll have to suck it up.
Guarantee the person who showed up is only getting a quarter of that, too. I think that's what sucks the most.