@mackiwg @lightweight @cablegreen Thank you! Re-use and adoption are certainly interesting, and I think it will be even more so in the future - to #NDLA, that is. But I am really looking more for people that work with OER for K12, to exchange experiences, structures, aims etc. Most people engaged in #oer seem to work with other levels of education.
Hei verda! Leser meir enn eg skriver. Lektor med odel og gard. Tidlegare melkebonde og smågrisprodusent. Leser, testar og svarar for ndla.no / #ndla. Tal og statistikk. Heimflyttar. #edtech #OER IKT i læring #Norsktut #nynorsk #skule #skole #delogbruk #skolechat #bygda
#ndla #edtech #oer #norsktut #nynorsk #skule #skole #delogbruk #skolechat #bygda