Margreta · @margreta
55 followers · 54 posts · Server

@mackiwg @lightweight @cablegreen Thank you! Re-use and adoption are certainly interesting, and I think it will be even more so in the future - to , that is. But I am really looking more for people that work with OER for K12, to exchange experiences, structures, aims etc. Most people engaged in seem to work with other levels of education.

#ndla #oer

Last updated 2 years ago

ɯǝǝʌɥ ɯɹoʇʇnb · @xbeem
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hei verda! Leser meir enn eg skriver. Lektor med odel og gard. Tidlegare melkebonde og smågrisprodusent. Leser, testar og svarar for / . Tal og statistikk. Heimflyttar. IKT i læring

#ndla #edtech #oer #norsktut #nynorsk #skule #skole #delogbruk #skolechat #bygda

Last updated 2 years ago