Just read #kindred #neaderthal - Life Love Death and Art. Wonderful view, 40k years away of our cousins written by @LeMoustier
The latest insights based on DNA investigation and much more.
'Archaeologists have uncovered a tantalizing trove at the ancient Neanderthal site of Gruta da Figueira Brava – 32km south of Lisbon.'
#portugal #neaderthal #archaeology
#portugal #neaderthal #archaeology
"ancient humans either lived in larger groups than previously suspected or that they had ways of processing the flesh so it didn’t spoil"
neanderthal #archaeology #science #neaderthal
#archaeology #science #neaderthal
NEANDERTHAL "West Coast Power Violence" zine interview with Eric Wood
#Neaderthal #WestCoastPowerViolence #AHistoryofViolence #Infest #PowerViolence #SlapaHamRecords #MattDomino #CubbyHole #PackingHouseClaremont #Buckethead #Primus #DeliCreeps #ClaremontCa
#EricWood #ManistheBastard #Cyclops #1989 #PomonaCa
#neaderthal #westcoastpowerviolence #ahistoryofviolence #infest #powerviolence #slapahamrecords #ericwood #manisthebastard #cyclops #mattdomino #cubbyhole #packinghouseclaremont #buckethead #primus #delicreeps #claremontca #pomonaca #hardcorepunkhistory