Old ones:
One you've never heard of:
#hughcook #rogerzelazny #jackvance #chinamieville #rixhardmorgan #nealgamain #williamgibson #nealasher #alastairreynolds #IainBanks
And, when I say 'finished', I actually read most of it, rather than skipping though large sections of it, as I did with the previous novel in the #OwnerTrilogy
#jupiterwar #nealasher
#ownertrilogy #jupiterwar #nealasher
So, that's pretty much it for #NealAsher novels. Just finished #JupiterWar
Now who do I read, any suggestions‽;*
Still reading through my #NealAsher collection, but finding his #OwnerTrilogy a little hard going, in the sense that I'm more or less skipping large chunks to get to the interesting bits. Had the same trouble with the #Spatterjay series.
It's a shame since I've enjoyed reading all his other books.
#nealasher #spatterjay #ownertrilogy
Currently reading my way through the #PolityUniverse meta-series by #NealAsher at the moment I'm in #TheSoldier
Also, had a quick visit from Madison who enjoyed herself almost crawling on the floor after a bright yellow Duplo boat. She's not quite got the hang of it, and finds it easier to move backwards (:*
She also had a go on a see-saw and swing, and tried the grass, almost got a mouthful at one point (;*
#polityuniverse #nealasher #thesoldier