I loved #Seveneves and #Reamde. I enjoyed but was less excited by #Cryptonomicon.
Can anyone recommend another #NealStephenson book for me to read?
#nealstephenson #cryptonomicon #Reamde #seveneves
Me parece que cada vez nos acercamos más al futuro distópico de “gobierno por franquicias” de #SnowCrash. Ahora una corporación tendrá su propia ciudad. La evolución del #CorpTown
No sé cómo sentirme al respecto. 🫤
#snowcrash #corptown #futurology #dystopian #nealstephenson
#13books that I think about often:
#OliverSacks Musicophilia
#WillAitken Antigone Undone: #JulietteBinoche, #AnneCarson, #IvoVanHove, and the Art of Resistance
#NickCave, And the Ass Saw the Angel
#MarkZDanielewski House of Leaves
#UmbertoEco The Island of the Day Before
#HermannHesse Glass Bead Game
#PatrickMcCabe Poguemahone
#NealStephenson Anathem
#HalldorLaxness Under the Glacier
#CanXue Frontier
#JohnDarnielle x2: Universal Harvester, Master of Reality
#MaggieRowe Sin Bravely
#maggierowe #johndarnielle #canxue #halldorlaxness #nealstephenson #patrickmccabe #hermannhesse #umbertoeco #markzdanielewski #nickcave #ivovanhove #AnneCarson #JulietteBinoche #willaitken #oliversacks #13books
Neuerscheinung: #TerminationShock - #ClimateFiction von #NealStephenson
In einer Welt der nahen Zukunft hat der Treibhauseffekt zu einer wirbelnden Troposphäre mit Superstürmen, Überschwemmungen und gnadenloser Hitze geführt. Der globale Kollaps scheint unausweichlich, der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Doch dann stellt ein amerikanischer Milliardär die Mittel für ein spektakuläres Projekt bereit, das die globale Erwärmung stoppen könnte...
#TerminationShock #climatefiction #nealstephenson
@emilymbender @alex - see #nealstephenson ‘s excellent Diamond Age where only the wealthiest flare (the Victorians) can afford glass. Everyone else uses nanotech diamond. I feel like organic food is already there. Expensive and inefficient as a status symbol.
I'm still really glad I picked up a (translated) copy of Snow Crash from the local library as a teenager because two decades later I'm still genuinely enjoying reading Neal Stephenson's work.
One thing I noticed is that most of the time the "one big lie" in most of his work is that everyone is basically competent and well-intentioned.
Sure, characters can be mistaken, have faulty knowledge, screw up... but they know what they're doing within their area of expertise and are cunning and creative enough to improvise in unfamiliar situations.
Even the 'bad guys' have understandable motivations that are informed by their history, circumstances, and know-how.
One thing I particularly appreciated in this book was several moments where characters explicitly recognized they were out of their depth and in a few cases deliberately chose to either make themselves useful for those that did have a clue or just stuck to a safe place out of the way of the action and wait things out. That's not something you often see in fiction.
I loved Seveneves!
#nealstephenson #groundscore #Books
#nealstephenson #groundscore #Books
Found two new #books on the sidewalk! #groundScore #nealStephenson
#nealstephenson #groundscore #books
Eliza was not, of course, a professional harpooneer, but she had the womanly knack of aiming for the heart, and so the weapon came at Jack straight as Truth....But she’d already turned her back on him and was walking away, not even caring whether she had hit him or not.
#BaroqueCycle #nealstephenson #quicksilver
#MaryShelley (Frankenstein is an all time fav)
#williamgibson #nealstephenson #johnscalzi #maryshelley #marktwain #johnsafran #eijiyoshikawa
Got this idea from @instantkarma80
Hashtag list about me!
#music #thebeatles #davidbowie #depechemode #pinkfloyd #ledzeppelin #jimihendrix #suede #newwave #synth #80s #commodore64 #sidmusic #movies #johncarpenter #starwars #soundtracks #thewestwing #sopranos #reddwarf #strangerthings #williamgibson #nealstephenson #retrogaming #misterfpga #tottenham #coys #rccars
That reminds me on the novel "Anathem" by #NealStephenson there they had the Teglon Problem
#cryptonomicon #nealstephenson epic nerd fest
#nealstephenson #cryptonomicon
RiP Alan Turing
23 June 1912 - 7 June 1954
I'll never forget being a kid reading and reading about Turing in Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson and thinking to myself, "whoa, men being romantic with other men?! Is this a thing?"
My uncle had been in a romantic relationship with a man my whole life, but I'd never seen any real displays of affection between them. Prior to starting high school, these were my only exposures to homosexuality outside of claims of it's horrible evils. If that feeling of hope hadn't been torn from me, I wonder if I wouldn't have had to learn how to be alone.
I won't suffer in the hope of tolerance anymore. From now on, I fight for the sake of love.
#Bookstodon #Books #Cryptography #NealStephenson #LGBTQ #Antifa #Revolt #Love #Freedom #AlanTuring #RIP
#bookstodon #books #cryptography #nealstephenson #lgbtq #antifa #revolt #love #freedom #AlanTuring #rip
L’apocalypse climatique selon Neal Stephenson.
Classique de la science-fiction, avec des romans comme « Le Samouraï virtuel » ou « Cryptonomicon », le romancier américain Neal Stephenson livre avec « Choc terminal » un monument romanesque sur l'avenir climatique, sa proximité, sa nature et les procédures de riposte, possibles ou délirantes, qu'on peut lui opposer.
#sciencefiction #climat #nealstephenson #podcast
Just finished Neal Stephenson's "Fall; Or, Dodge in Hell" and feeling torn. 📚🤔 The book is filled with intriguing premises, but it left me longing for more. Dive into my review to uncover the missed opportunities and decide for yourself! #BookReview #NealStephenson 📖✨
We all get influenced. By our close family, friends, by this social media, art, movies, people in pubs ... and books. All these influences gel in the creative process which every one of us is capable of.
In my latest YouTube episode for Quartermaine' Books I reflect on a couple of the books that influenced me.
#art #writing #creative #socialmedia #quartermainesbooks #fictionwriting #work #people #bhagavadhita #sciencefiction #nealstephenson
#fictionwriting #work #art #writing #creative #socialmedia #quartermainesbooks #people #bhagavadhita #sciencefiction #nealstephenson
#10yrsago Teaching TCP/IP headers with #legos https://righteousit.wordpress.com/2010/06/27/practical-visual-three-dimensional-pedagogy-for-internet-protocol-packet-header-control-fields/
#10yrsago Future Tense: #NealStephenson and #TimWu talk future, sf and tech https://www.slate.com/articles/podcasts/future_tense/2013/04/neal_stephenson_joins_us_for_the_first_stranger_than_fiction_podcast.html
#10yrsago #SOPA’s daddy is now in charge of government science funding, and he hates peer-review https://www.science.org/content/article/us-lawmaker-proposes-new-criteria-choosing-nsf-grants
#5yrsago Hope Larson’s “All Summer Long,” lively YA graphic novel about tween friendships, rock and roll, and being yourself https://memex.craphound.com/2018/05/01/hope-larsons-all-summer-long-lively-ya-graphic-novel-about-tween-friendships-rock-and-roll-and-being-yourself/
#10yrsago #legos #nealstephenson #timwu #sopa #5yrsago
#Bookstodon #NealStephenson I love this passage by Stephenson on the topic of #hypocrisy 1/3
“You know, when I was a young man, hypocrisy was deemed the worst of vices, Finkle-McGraw said. It was all because of moral relativism. You see, in that sort of a climate, you are not allowed to criticize others—after all, if there is no absolute right and wrong, then what grounds is there for criticism? . . .
Now, this led to a good deal of general frustration, for people are naturally censorious and love nothing better than to criticize others’ shortcomings. And so it was that they seized on hypocrisy and elevated it from a ubiquitous peccadillo into the monarch of all vices. For, you see, even if there is no right and wrong, you can find grounds to criticize another person by contrasting what he has espoused with what he has actually done.
#bookstodon #nealstephenson #hypocrisy
It's sad that three Jeopardy! contestants didn't seem to know Neal Stephenson.
It's funny that two gave snow related answers
It's painful that even the *librarian* didn't get it.
#Jeopardy #NealStephenson #SnowCrash
#jeopardy #nealstephenson #snowcrash