Decision came 5 days after #Saviano, author of #Gomorrah, described #Italy’s deputy pm & leader o #RightWing #League, #MatteoSalvini, as “the minister of the underworld”. Wasn't 1st time heused this expression – to describe #Salvini. He is currently on trial after Salvini sued him 4 defamation.
the journalist, who lives under police escort & has been in hiding from #Neapolitan #mafia, #Camorra, since 2006, said move was a sign of erosion of #FreedomOfSpeech in #Italy.
#saviano #gomorrah #italy #rightwing #league #matteosalvini #salvini #neapolitan #mafia #camorra #freedomofspeech
Carlton Gibson is presenting the talk "Yak-shaving to Where the Puck is Going to Be" at the DjangoCon Europe 2023 in Edinburgh 🏴🦄🚀
#DjangoConEuroppe #DjangoCon #Django #LocalityBehaviour #Neapolitan #ClassBasedView
#djangoconeuroppe #djangocon #django #localitybehaviour #neapolitan #classbasedview
Grande riuscita per l’evento “Oltre la disabilità tutto è possibile”, lezione di inclusività ed empatia
#Giulianova. La scuola come dovrebbe essere. Ce lo hanno insegnato, questa mattina, i ragazzi e gli insegnanti dell’Istituto Crocetti-Cerulli. Come dovrebbe essere la vita, invece, lo ha dimostrato la ballerina classica #CarmenDiodato, napoletana d’origine, étoile del #MassimodiPalermo e dell’Arena di #Verona. È stata lei, infatti, l’ospite d’onore dell’ evento “Oltre la disabilità
#L'articoloGrande riuscita per l’evento “Oltre la disabilità tutto è possibile”, lezione di inclusività ed empatia sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Great success for the event 'Beyond disability everything is possible', a lesson in inclusiveness and empathy
#Giulianova. School as it should be. The children and teachers of the Crocetti-Cerulli Institute taught us #thismorning. What life should be like, on the other hand, was demonstrated by the ballet dancer #CarmenDiodato, #Neapolitan by origin, étoile at the Massimo of #Palermo and #theArenaofVerona. She was, in fact, the guest of honour at the event 'Beyond Disability
The article Great success for the event "Beyond disability everything is possible", a lesson in inclusiveness and empathy seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
4-5-2023 17:2 #AbruzzoLive
#giulianova #carmendiodato #massimodipalermo #verona #l #abruzzolive #thismorning #neapolitan #palermo #thearenaofverona #first
#Renzi sul #Riformista: «un abbraccio» a #Berlusconi e #Travaglio in ginocchio davanti a #NapolitanoRenzi, a capo del giornale edito dall’imprenditore napoletano #AlfredoRomeo, firma l’editoriale e un articolo sul #Napoli, dopo essere stato eletto in #Campania. Attacca il direttore del #Fatto, ma quando lo faceva #Grillo era «imbarbarimento della politica insultare i giornalisti». A pagina due, i consigli a #GiorgiaMeloni: «Si può dare di più»
#Renzi in #Riformista: 'a hug' to #Berlusconi and #Travaglio on his knees in front of #NapolitanoRenzi, head of the newspaper published by the #Neapolitan businessman #AlfredoRomeo, signs the editorial and an article on #Naples, after being elected in #Campania. He attacks the editor of #IlFatto, but when #Grillo did it, it was 'barbarism of politics to insult journalists'. On page two, advice to #GiorgiaMeloni: 'You can give more'.
3-5-2023 8:48 #Domani
#renzi #riformista #berlusconi #travaglio #napolitanorenzi #alfredoromeo #napoli #campania #fatto #grillo #giorgiameloni #neapolitan #naples #ilfatto #domani
#三浦半島 #横須賀 #京急 #YRP野比 #野比 #喫茶ぽとす #喫茶店 #喫茶 #パスタ #スパゲッテー #spaghetti #スパゲチ #ナポリタン #Neapolitan #miurapeninsula #yokosuka #matthew_perry_yokosuka
#三浦半島 #横須賀 #京急 #yrp野比 #野比 #喫茶ぽとす #喫茶店 #喫茶 #パスタ #スパゲッテー #spaghetti #スパゲチ #ナポリタン #neapolitan #miurapeninsula #yokosuka #matthew_perry_yokosuka
野比海岸『シーサイド21(トニーワン)』の「PASTA LUNCH MENU*全てのパスタにミニサラダがつきます*/野比海岸 海辺のナポリタン~シーフードナポリタン」と「コカコーラ」
#三浦半島 #横須賀 #京急 #YRP野比 #野比 #野比海岸 #シーサイド21 #シーサイドトニーワン #トニーワン #パスタ #PASTA #ナポリタン #Neapolitan #コカコーラ #CocaCola #コーラ #Cola #カフェテリア #cafeteria #miurapeninsula #yokosuka #matthew_perry_yokosuka
#三浦半島 #横須賀 #京急 #yrp野比 #野比 #野比海岸 #シーサイド21 #シーサイドトニーワン #トニーワン #パスタ #pasta #ナポリタン #neapolitan #コカコーラ #cocacola #コーラ #cola #カフェテリア #cafeteria #miurapeninsula #yokosuka #matthew_perry_yokosuka
#三浦半島 #横須賀 #JR #衣笠 #小矢部 #カフェテリアTODAY #ナポリタン #Neapolitan #パスタ #Pasta #cafe #カフェテリア #cafeteria #miurapeninsula #yokosuka #matthew_perry_yokosuka
#三浦半島 #横須賀 #JR #衣笠 #小矢部 #カフェテリアtoday #ナポリタン #neapolitan #パスタ #pasta #cafe #カフェテリア #cafeteria #miurapeninsula #yokosuka #matthew_perry_yokosuka
Turns out there is an *excellent* #Neapolitan pizzeria/restaurantaround the corner - #ZiiMargherita. Went in by chance for a pizza , and ended up returning for another the same evening.
Next time, will try the pastas …
#neapolitan #ziimargherita #bologna
I've collected examples of colorful and evocative #Neapolitan expressions translated into #English in "La vita bugiarda degli adulti" (The Lying Life of Adults) by Netflix.
One example:
'A neve dint ‘a sacca ❄️🧥 = (lit.) Snow in your pockets
Such captivating images painted by these idiomatic phrases in my dialect!
Just been to the Organic #Plantbased Expo in #copenhagen
Especially fascinated by the #cheeses or #cheeze, a cashew and coconut based mozzarella cheese from the swedish company Casheury. Very tasty and will try their Casheumozza #vegan on my #neapolitan #pizza
#plantbased #copenhagen #cheeses #cheeze #vegan #neapolitan #pizza