For the #horseshoe experts out there. Could this be a #mule or #donkey shoe? c. 1930s #neareasternarchaeology #earlymodern #history #fediverse (Photo source: me)
#horseshoe #neareasternarchaeology #earlymodern #fediverse #donkey #history #mule
Hi everyone, thank you @joeroe for creating this.
It is my #introduction. I am trained as pottery specialist of the #ironage in #centralasia and #ComputationalArchaeology.
Currently I am #MSCA fellow at #ICAC doing #UnderTheSands project - the studies of #irrigation with #RS #ML and #DL
My other interests are
#GIS #LandscapeArchaeology #irrigation #neareasternarchaeology #mobilegis #Achaemenid #Iran #Oxuscivilisation #bmac #yazculture
#introduction #ironage #centralasia #ComputationalArchaeology #MSCA #ICAC #UnderTheSands #irrigation #RS #ml #DL #gis #LandscapeArchaeology #neareasternarchaeology #mobilegis #Achaemenid #iran #Oxuscivilisation #bmac #yazculture