@RamenCatholic "Does #Humanity have a responsibility to guide the #evolution of #NonHumanAnimals with #NearHuman attributes?"
Absolutely not, and furthermore I don't think we have any right to do so.
"which, if any, animals do you think deserve to be protected with a #Personhood -like status?"
I think we should start from the assumption that all of them do.
#humanity #evolution #nonhumananimals #nearhuman #personhood
Does #Humanity have a responsibility to guide the #evolution of #NonHumanAnimals with #NearHuman attributes?
What combination of attributes define #Personhood ? #language #ToolUse #Sapience #Culture #RespectForTheDead #etc
#WTF is going on with #fungi #mushrooms - are they really the #MissingLink between #Animals and #Plants ? Do #Mycellium networks have #Sentience (are they #brains ?)!?!?
#JoinIn #reblog #retoot
#philosophy #religion #anthropology #sociology
#questionsthatkeepmeup #humanity #evolution #nonhumananimals #nearhuman #personhood #language #tooluse #sapience #culture #respectforthedead #etc #wtf #fungi #mushrooms #MissingLink #animals #plants #mycellium #sentience #brains #joinin #reblog #retoot #philosophy #religion #anthropology #sociology