#UN #Climate #scientists are running out of ways to #warn us. https://www.vox.com/climate/23648274/climate-change-report-ipcc-ar6-warming-overshoot #ClimateCrisis
What’s become clear is that climate change is no longer a distant, #vague #threat for #FutureGenerations to contend with. It’s a #NearTerm #crisis. The impacts of the #warming we’re already experiencing — 1.1 degrees Celsius of warming above #preindustrial times — are unfolding faster than expected in every region of the world & some of these changes are #irreversible. https://www.vox.com/climate/23648274/climate-change-report-ipcc-ar6-warming-overshoot
#UN #climate #scientists #warn #ClimateCrisis #vague #threat #futuregenerations #nearterm #crisis #warming #preindustrial #irreversible