Can't remember if I tooted this already, whoops.
I'm one of the cohosts of Solarpunk Presents podcast (@solarpunkpresents) along with @xtinadlr and we have some very exciting things for the new year coming down the pike.
Or, well, I'm trying to corral said exciting things into some semblance of being done but I keep coming down with various illnesses. Nevertheless! The advent of S2 is nigh upon us...
#solarpunk #podcast #ClimateJustice #ClimateAdaptation #CoolStuff #NeatPeople
#solarpunk #podcast #climatejustice #climateadaptation #coolstuff #neatpeople
#introduction Long time twitter user. Interested in…
There’s undoubtedly more. But to sum up “me” I’m just looking for genuine interactions with people I find interesting.
#introduction #ableg #cdnpoli #everythingyeg #neatpeople #brazilianjiujitsu #coaching #figuringitout #beingabetterversionofme #thingsthatarefunny #parenting #food #cooking #dogs #nicepeople #environmentissues #economics