Catherine Lundoff · @Clundoff
27 followers · 4 posts · Server

Nominating for ? THE LANGUAGE OF ROSES by @heatherrosejones is eligible for all 2022 fantasy awards that include ! It’s on the . If you’re a , there’s a reading copy in the forums. It’s really hard for to get much traction at the and so if you loved Heather’s terrific retelling, please tell other people!

#awards #novellas #nebulareadinglist #sfwamember #smallpresses #nebulaawards #hugoawards #beautyandthebeast #queerfairytales

Last updated 2 years ago

Metaphorosis · @Metaphorosis
322 followers · 38 posts · Server

nominations are now open! (to members).

Please remember to nominate your favorite stories. Metaphorosis has , , and for your consideration, and you can find the full 2022 list here:

Remember to also add your favorite stories to the here:

It's a small community, and it doesn't take that many votes to make a difference. will really appreciate your taking a minute to act!

#litmags #nebulareadinglist #novellas #novelettes #stories #sfwa #NebulaAward

Last updated 2 years ago