#ClimateEmergency #NecessityDefense #DeclareEmergency #BeyondExtremeEnergy
Necessity Defense Climate Emergency Trial Appealed to Supreme Court of Maryland
press release
media kit
#climateemergency #necessitydefense #declareemergency #beyondextremeenergy
#NecessityDefense #ClimateEmergency #SixthAmendment
UPDATE:4/3/2023 at 9am: My appeal trial was this morning postponed to April 26 because the court did not have any trial judges available today. There were no rulings on the State’s motions or mine—the trial judge will need to do that. I am still in a position of probably having to defend my right to a necessity defense and also present that defense on the same day, without permission for my proposed witnesses to testify remotely.
full press release:
#necessitydefense #climateemergency #sixthamendment
#NecessityDefense #ClimateEmergency #MontgomeryCountyMD #Rockville @joebiden #DeclareEmergency
trial clothes - #SixthAmendment
#necessitydefense #climateemergency #montgomerycountymd #rockville #declareemergency #sixthamendment
#DeclareEmergency #ClimateEmergency #NecessityDefense
press release
and media kit
about this
Defendant ANDREW DEE HINZ herein answers motions by the State - in the appeal trial for case C-15-CR-22-001372, specifically addressing the State’s Motion to Exclude Defense Exhibits and the State’s Motion to Exclude Testimony of Defense Expert Witnesses, as follows:
The referenced State motions must be DENIED and the defendant’s referenced and fully noticed Exhibits and Expert Witness testimony must be GRANTED to be presented to a jury of his peers; AND the Expert Witness testimony must be allowed to be delivered from a remote location(s), for the following (in no specific priority or weight individually) reasons (just 39)
#declareemergency #climateemergency #necessitydefense
#DeclareEmergency #ClimateEmergency #NecessityDefense
I am preparing for a #MontgomeryCounty #Maryland circuit court trial on April 3 in #Rockville in which I will attempt to invoke a #NecessityDefense to appeal my 120 day $1,000 sentence (only 6 days served, the rest suspended) for demanding @joebiden declare a #ClimateEmergency on the #DC beltway last October 10 and being arrested for trespass and failure to obey.
Actually today I am rereading https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VqguqwsW7VPW7r8qAF7Fj8Rfn0-guLqp/view?usp=drivesdk to try to defend my right to speak to a jury.
I have asked for a continuance because the State of Maryland has moved to bar my expert witnesses and my evidence and I don’t trust the circuit court to do the right thing so I have asked my witnesses to not come to court Monday. The circuit court previously barred me from having expert witnesses testify remotely (during our #CovidPandemic and #ClimateEmergency). The district court trial I am appealing was presided over by a judge holding #KinderMorgan stock.
Please check out my press release https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-ii_0IJLWHB1SzTR1iQxl_DfjeBao2b2qydVeUHCKs/edit and media kit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iakQB-TIllkTPP9LkbxmdSJKJymRrC6BP-loP_bCej8/edit which I will be updating as this proceeds.
Please follow along with my travails and consider litigating pro se your next #ClimateEmergency arrest and #Incarceration, especially if you are retired and privileged.
tysm and peace and love and understanding for caring for our #Biosphere.
#declareemergency #climateemergency #necessitydefense #montgomerycounty #maryland #rockville #dc #covidpandemic #kindermorgan #incarceration #biosphere
#ClimateEmegency #DeclareEmergency #NonViolentDirectAction #NecessityDefense #CimateActivistTrial MoCo MD trial tuesday December 13 8am courtroom 412
wish us luck!
#ClimateEmegency #declareemergency #NonViolentDirectAction #necessitydefense #cimateactivisttrial
i am a free guinea pig! (specific legal context omitted) - and y the f is zoom repeatedly dropping me on both windows 11 and ios (paranoia sets in lol) http://bmorepoetryblog.org/thru-granite/ - I’m trying to mount a #ClimateEmergency #NecessityDefense 12/13 in #MontgomeryCountyMD vs #Trespass and #FailureToObey - I’ll post my casebook here the morning of trial
#climateemergency #necessitydefense #montgomerycountymd #trespass #failuretoobey