I saw my surgeon for a post-surgical #neckfusion follow-up last week. The steri-strips came off, and I was cleared to drive and lift up to ~15 lbs again. After another 2 weeks, I can bump it up to 25 lbs.
I have my next appointment in a few weeks. I'll also be seeing my otolaryngologist the same day. My neurosurgeon said I should be cleared for the #adenoidectomy, so I'm hoping that I can get scheduled asap.
I've already had a noticeable difference. I have almost zero pain in my neck/back/shoulders/arms. It only flares a little if I start pushing my weight lifting limits, but goes back to normal with some rest. Driving and walking for even extended periods doesn't hurt anymore.
I'm looking to get back to exercising once I'm healed enough from the neck fusion and upcoming adenoidectomy. Between no more pain or sleep apnea, I should finally have the energy to do it.
I'm not sure how true this is. I've got two myself. One is my modded US 32GB model, and the other is my brother-in-law's non-modded JP 32GB model that he gave me.
I'd love to test and see how they compare since I haven't powered on either in over a year. The article seems to suggest a modded #WiiU is safe. Does anyone know if this is the case?
While the JP one is really just a backup/spare parts system, I'd like to preserve it in case my US one goes down. I wasn't looking to mod it since it's a spare, but unless there is a way to back it up other than modding it, I might just have to do it.
The unfortunate thing is that the JP one is in the basement, and I still can't lift anything too heavy since I recently had a #cervicalfusion / #neckfusion #surgery a little over 2 weeks ago. I'll have to dig it out as soon as I can to check it out.
#Nintendo #WiiUBricked #WiiUMemoryError #gaming #videogames #gamepreservation #videogamepreservation
#wiiu #cervicalfusion #neckfusion #surgery #nintendo #wiiubricked #wiiumemoryerror #gaming #videogames #gamepreservation #videogamepreservation
So I've been back to work for two days now. I mostly #WFH, so at least I could come back sooner since I'm still not cleared for driving. My periodic onsite work is covered by my awesome coworkers until I get cleared.
By the end of the day today, I started feeling a lump in my throat. I don't feel ill, and I'm not having any issues with breathing or swallowing. I've had it on and off since the #surgery about a week ago, but it's more noticeable now. My wife checked online and pretty much confirmed that a #neckfusion / #cervicalfusion can cause this feeling for up to 6 months.
Does anyone else have experience with this? It's not surprising since a 2-inch incision was made on the front-left side of my neck, and various parts within were shifted to get to the #herniateddisc on the right side of my neck. I assume it's something I just need to ride out, but any advice, if possible, is appreciated. #medical #medicalquestion #medicalhelp
#wfh #surgery #neckfusion #cervicalfusion #herniateddisc #medical #medicalquestion #medicalhelp
So, since I think I've finally had it with all the #streamingservices BS, I made a #Plex server on my #Ubuntu partition that already hosts a #pihole server. I used to run Plex off of the #Windows8 partition years ago on the same desktop and wanted to get our old media files off of it to the new one on the Ubuntu partition.
Setting up the Plex server on Ubuntu was very easy and fast since I already have #SSH setup to remote to my Ubuntu system since the host is shoved into a corner and I only access it remotely from the same home network. Trying to get #RDP going from my #Windows10 laptop wouldn't work for some reason, even though RDP was enabled on the Windows 8 system.
So I gave up and just pulled out the computer and worked on it locally. I tried several methods to find the files. Again, the Plex server on Windows 8 was several years past its last use, so I couldn't remember where I kept the files, what type they were, or even what the proper name for them should be.
@polarisu helped me remember the files mostly were .mp4s, but even that last search was fruitless. Nothing under the default or any of the subfolders for Plex either. I finally asked,
"Did we delete these files?"
"Yeah, I think we did. It should be on my external drive. I put it in a bin in the basement, though."
I just had #neckfusion #surgery about a week ago for a #herniateddisc on my C5-C6 and can't lift anything over 5 lbs yet.
So yeah, that's going to have to wait.
#sysadmin #sysadminlife #sysadminproblems #PlexMediaServer #linux
#streamingservices #plex #ubuntu #pihole #windows8 #ssh #rdp #windows10 #neckfusion #surgery #herniateddisc #sysadmin #sysadminlife #sysadminproblems #PlexMediaServer #linux
Ok, not being able to drive right now kind of sucks. I would walk to the local #dunkindonuts, but the weather outside is crappy. My wife and in-laws are out for a doctor's appointment, then errands. Guess I'll have to wait for another hour or two for my brother-in-law to wake up and piggyback off his morning (afternoon) coffee pickup. 🤣 #surgery #neckfusion
#dunkindonuts #surgery #neckfusion
@polarisu she sent me the info about the cadaver bone, too. 🤣 #surgery #neckfusion
I guess there was an update to my medical profile in regard to the surgery. @polarisu has access since she's a medical expert and the family advocate. I didn't really look at what my surgery was going to entail beforehand since I figured that would freak me out too much. So, she just sent the notes to me. At least it's already done. 🤣 1/2 #surgery #neckfusion
Per the doctor's orders, the bandage came off my incision yesterday. Looks good (as well as a several inch incision that was sealed back up can look!). I can finally shower today (yah!).
The only thing is... I knew this was coming, but I'm getting itchy around the incision. Hopefully, I won't need a cone around my head to keep me from scratching, lol. #surgery #neckfusion #kingofthehill #hankhill #dalegribble #boomhauer #yup
#surgery #neckfusion #kingofthehill #hankhill #dalegribble #boomhauer #yup
There is nothing worse than being hairy and getting strong tape put on you. Taking it off feels like getting a manzillion. 🤣 #surgery #neckfusion
This guy didn't care that I had surgery and was still screaming this morning for food and jumping on me, lol. #surgery #neckfusion #blackcats #blackcatsofmastodon #catsofmastodon
#surgery #neckfusion #blackcats #blackcatsofmastodon #catsofmastodon
Apparently, this guy was upset when I was away, in the hospital overnight the other day. He seemed a bit apprehensive to come near me at first when I came home yesterday. Probably smelled the hospital and my incision on my neck, perhaps? Or just mad at me for being gone for over a day? He got over it, though, and was back to being my lap cat by yesterday evening.#surgery #neckfusion #blackcats #blackcatsofmastodon #catsofmastodon
#surgery #neckfusion #blackcats #blackcatsofmastodon #catsofmastodon
Time for another surgery. Yah. #surgery #neckfusion #herniateddisc
#surgery #neckfusion #herniateddisc