oh no, #nectarine #demoscene is down. How can I code now? Guess I will tune in to @djhoffma
Unstable Radio instead https://www.mixcloud.com/h0ffman/unstable-radio-2022-10-24/ #music
Sir sill squirrel, "nectarine nibblin".
#favoritedinosaurstudios #sirsillsquirrel #squirrel #nature
#wildlife #squirrellove #squirrellife #squirrelfriends
#urbanjungle #urbannature #nectarine #nibblin
#artisticperspective #generalistview
#favoritedinosaurstudios #sirsillsquirrel #squirrel #nature #wildlife #squirrellove #squirrellife #squirrelfriends #urbanjungle #urbannature #nectarine #nibblin #artisticperspective #generalistview #gardenphotography
Fruit trees, 2/3
Of all the trees in the #orchard, the #nectarine was definitely the healthiest to begin with, and it’s doing pretty well this year too.
The shape of the tree was decent! Like the rest of them, it grew strongly toward the light, but it’s got the best base of support. I pruned the huge limbs growing out over the driveway and took out the locust tree growing with it, and it made tasty nectarines. They’re not as good as peaches, but that’s hardly the tree’s fault!
#nectarine #blossom #uk #today in my #backyard .
#nectarine #blossom #uk #Today #backyard
Lil bro loves how nectarines make him gape for the camera.
#assplay #foodplay #gaping #gape #legsup #presentinghole #nectarine
#assplay #foodplay #gaping #gape #legsup #presentinghole #nectarine
Two #PrunusPersica varieties in the #BonneMaman #AdventCalendar today, plus #LemonVerbena whose presence wasn't very obvious. #Nectarine doesn't often take a starring role. I would describe this as '#peach flavour, but more so' 🍑
#PrunusPersica #bonnemaman #adventcalendar #lemonverbena #nectarine #peach
December 21: White Nectarine-Peach-Lemon Verbena Spread
Look. Every year they try this white nectarine-peach combo, and every year it is APPALLING. Lemon verbena did not ask to be dragged into this!! In any case, it tastes like she is pretending she is not there. Not all of us were so lucky, love
#jamvent #nectarine #peach #lemonverbena
Was wäre ein (Arbeits-)Tag ohne https://scenestream.net/demovibes/ #nectarine #demoscene #SIDChip #chiptunes
#nectarine #demoscene #SIDChip #chiptunes