by #JuliaMétraux in #MotherJones:
"Many states report having people with severe mental illnesses in restrictive housing, despite research clearly demonstrating that, as the UN guidelines suggest, solitary confinement often exacerbates the symptoms of psychiatric disabilities.
"Even in the most progressive states, the power of a governor’s veto can still squash efforts at reform. As in Connecticut, lawmakers in California experienced this first-hand in 2022 when Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) vetoed the Mandela Act, which would have placed new restrictions on solitary confinement. But they are trying again."
#Connecticut #NedLamont #California #GavinNewsom #SolitaryConfinement #prison #incarceration #UnitedNations #UN
#juliametraux #motherjones #connecticut #nedlamont #california #gavinnewsom #solitaryconfinement #prison #incarceration #unitednations #un
by #AkiellyHu in @grist
"Last week, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont signed a law to prohibit the state’s investor-owned utilities from charging customers for lobbying expenses and other efforts to sway political outcomes. The new law marks the third comprehensive effort by a state to prevent utilities from using consumers’ monthly bills to fund political efforts, following a similar law passed in Colorado in May and a law that Maine Governor Janet Mills signed in late June."
#akiellyhu #connecticut #nedlamont #Utilities #lobbying #Grist
State Erases Nearly 44,000 Cannabis Convictions, While Clean Slate Awaits Many
Author: Hugh McQuaid
#CriminalJustice #400pMonday #cannabislegalization #cleanslate #garywinfield #NedLamont
#criminaljustice #400pmonday #cannabislegalization #cleanslate #garywinfield #nedlamont
Gov. Lamont’s 2023 State of the State Address
Author: Press Release
#PressRelease #StateCapitol #Extra #inauguration #NedLamont #Session2023 #stateofthestate
#pressrelease #statecapitol #extra #inauguration #nedlamont #session2023 #stateofthestate
‘Fiscal Stability Is The Foundation of Inclusive Growth’
Author: Hugh McQuaid
#StateBudget #StateCapitol #StateTaxes #400pWednesday #NedLamont #openingday2023 #statebudget
#statebudget #statecapitol #statetaxes #400pwednesday #nedlamont #openingday2023
Photos: Lamont, Constitutionals Get Sworn In
Author: Douglas Healey
#statecapitol #400pwednesday #inauguration2023 #nedlamont
Political clashes leave CT Baby Bonds program in limbo
Author: Katy Golvala and Ginny Monk
#Investigations #babybonds #CTMirrorMobileApp #featurestory #InitialInvestigation #NedLamont #PaulMounds #ShawnWooden #topstory
#investigations #babybonds #ctmirrormobileapp #featurestory #initialinvestigation #nedlamont #paulmounds #shawnwooden #topstory
Lamont Continues Public Health Emergency For Federal Funds
Author: Hugh McQuaid
#PublicHealth #400pTuesday #COVID-19 #federalfunding #NedLamont #publichealthemergency #Push #SNAP #VincentCandelora
#publichealth #400ptuesday #covid #federalfunding #nedlamont #publichealthemergency #push #snap #vincentcandelora