@OnceUponAGoblin @petronila @nelsonavatar @snowgaze
Custou me a lembrar dos 10 melhores que me marcaram mas aqui vai
- #legendofzeldabreathofthewild (so porque ainda nao terminei o totk mas ja merecia estar aqui)
- #bloodborne
- #bioshock
- #journey
- #hollowknight
- #needforspeedunderground2
- #gtavicecity
- #halo
- #princeofpersiawarriorwithin
- #frostpunk
- #sheepdognwolf
- #rust
Todos jogos que ja joguei mais que uma vez e provavelmente irei jogar de novo
#legendofzeldabreathofthewild #bloodborne #bioshock #journey #hollowknight #needforspeedunderground2 #gtavicecity #halo #princeofpersiawarriorwithin #frostpunk #sheepdognwolf #rust
Tooting again because last time the toot was unlisted and therefore none of the hashtags show up in searches 🙈
#7gamestoknowme #TheSims2 #anno1503 #rollercoastertycoon #pokemoncolosseum #denshadego #needforspeedunderground2 #vanillaworldofwarcraft
The fan remake of Need for Speed Underground 2 will move to Unreal Engine 5, and here is its first gameplay footage. #NeedForSpeedUnderground2 https://gamesense.co/game/need-for-speed-underground-2/news/discuss/need-for-speed-underground-2-fan-remake-in-unreal-engine-5-looks-dope/
The fan remake of Need for Speed Underground 2 will move to Unreal Engine 5, and here is its first gameplay footage. #NeedForSpeedUnderground2 https://gamesense.co/game/need-for-speed-underground-2/news/discuss/need-for-speed-underground-2-fan-remake-in-unreal-engine-5-looks-dope/