Just finished watching Needful Things (1993), will try to drop some thoughts or review in the comments. #justwatched #watched #cinemastodon #plex #whattowatch #moviedon https://trakt.tv/movies/needful-things-1993 #NeedfulThings #trakt
#justwatched #watched #cinemastodon #plex #whattowatch #moviedon #needfulthings #trakt
Horror movies released in 1993…pick your favorite.
#leprechaun #needfulthings #jasongoestohellthefinalfriday #returnofthelivingdead3 #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #HorrorMovies
We need to bring #StephenKing over from the birdysite.
Stephen King is the salve for your horror loving soul.
He has to know about Mastodon.
That other place is like
Shit Storm of the Century.
We need Stephen King.
Make it happen.
#StephenKing #TheStand #Misery #It #Cujo #Christine #Carrie #TheShining #PetSematary #SalemsLot #GreenMile #Firestarter #NeedfulThings #Dreamcatcher #Thinner #StormOfTheCentury
#stephenking #thestand #misery #it #cujo #christine #carrie #theshining #petsematary #salemslot #greenmile #firestarter #needfulthings #dreamcatcher #thinner #stormofthecentury
Here we go. It is that review of Needful Things. And the film is on Amazon Prime Video here in the UK.
#MovieReview #blog #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #NeedfulThings #StephenKing #horror #EdHarris #MaxVonSydow #BonnieBedelia #FraserCHeston #WDRichter #streaming #PrimeVideoUK
#moviereview #blog #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #needfulthings #stephenking #horror #edharris #maxvonsydow #bonniebedelia #frasercheston #wdrichter #Streaming #primevideouk
Despite the fact that it feels very much like a relic nowadays, I will be spending today revisiting the TV movie of Needful Things, a film that benefits from a great cast making up for the limitations of the standard TV movie tone. It also helps that the book was my first major "summer holiday" read when I was a teen in Tenerife.
#NeedfulThings #StephenKing #streaming #PrimeVideoUK #movies #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #horror
#needfulthings #stephenking #Streaming #primevideouk #movies #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #horror