Hi #medlibs #datalibs #critlibs #dataviz #sketchnote #bibliometrics #NeedsAssessment #accessibility folks,
I have some professional development funds available to spend before the end of the month (ie, pay in June -- it's ok if the event happens later on). Any suggestions?
BTW I am COVID-aware and not interested in an in-person event unless the organizers put serious effort into minimizing risk.
#medlibs #datalibs #critlibs #dataviz #sketchnote #bibliometrics #needsassessment #accessibility
Hinchliffe, L. & Dwyer, K. & Rose, J., (2022) “Copyright Education and the Role of Library Associations: Current Practices and Needed Support”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 10(1). https://doi.org/10.31274/jlsc.14455 #Libraries #CopyrightEducation #NeedsAssessment
#libraries #copyrighteducation #needsassessment
I expect to be more involved in faculty development re: #academicadvising in the spring. Anyone have good #academic research on #needsassessment or other relevant topics I must know ahead of time? Small private, teaching intensive institution.
#academicadvising #academic #needsassessment