So I bought new parts for a computer for my friend and yesterday we put it together. Powered it on but CPU and DRAM LEDs were lit.
Then spent like 2 hours popping parts out, checking if something would change and going through old discussions. Finally I gave up and took the computer back home.
Today I've found out I forgot to plug in a CPU powering cable 😅
#dumb #needsleep #buildingcomputer
Les Gremlins ont été pénibles pour s'endormir (chaleur plus on est quatre dans la même chambre ici) ... Ils s'endorment. Le chat hurle a la mort car plus de croquettes.... Ça va durer longtemps ? #NeedSleep
#littleme #today #exhausted 😩 #needsleep 😪 😴
Good night... *chuac*
#littleme #today #exhausted #needsleep
Finished my 12 hour nightshift, cannot go to sleep yet. Have an appointment in an hour. Must stay awake at least two more hours. No sleep yet. Soon, tho but.
#WorkplaceWoes #NeedSleep
Schools are back and the Easter holiday nightmare is finally over! Or is it? Inset day for my little monkeys, so I'm at a softplay with hoards of other frazzled looking parents. This is not what I imagined gardening leave to be like... #TiredParent #GardeningLeave #Softplay #NeedSleep
#needsleep #softplay #gardeningleave #tiredparent
I've spent hours trying to get ZFS to work on Debian.
The module refused to load.
Finally figured out it was because of Secure Boot being enabled.
#linux #debian #problem #needsleep
The first real day after the clocks spring forward & im not feeling like springing anywhere! Alarm has gone off & it feels like the middle of the night & yet I still have to get up for work. Even the pup is still asleep & hasn’t realised it’s breakfast time 😂#clocksgoforward #tired #notamorningperson #needsleep
#clocksgoforward #tired #notamorningperson #needsleep
#PreMature #TIGIFburnout. #TGIF because #NeedSleep
#premature #tigifburnout #tgif #needsleep
Why must my brain decide that 3:50 am makes a good time to wake up? #sleep #needsleep
I woke up with some unknown illness today. Our dinner date with another couple has been canceled. Symptoms include muscle aches, chills, headache, and “intestinal problems.” Hopefully this will run its course by Sunday morning.
#sick #unknownorigin #thissucks #couchlife #needsleep
A little under 4 hours of sleep last night, but surprisingly I don’t have the “sleepy headache” I’d typically have from so little rest.
I’ve got my biiiiiig cold brew #coffee to assist as well!
Work is having me actually… do work today. How rude, how dare they! 😂 #ProjectManagement #NeedSleep
#coffee #projectmanagement #needsleep
Don’t you just love a busy day after 2 hours of sleep the night before? #tired #insomnia #NeedSleep
I had my #flu and #Covid #vaccines yesterday. I was already worn out. Now I’m soul-weary. When that happens, my #emotions are heightened, I #worry about things not worth worrying about, and I’m not much fun to be around. I’m beyond #grateful for my beloved. She doesn’t try to fix me. She makes #space for me and #loves #me…as I am. Perfectly imperfect. #grumpy #adhd #anxiety #MentalHealth #tired #exhausted #needsleep #thistooshallpass
#Flu #covid #vaccines #emotions #worry #grateful #Space #loves #me #grumpy #adhd #anxiety #mentalhealth #tired #exhausted #needsleep #thistooshallpass
It's now 4:45 AM and I fell down the rabbit hole of Mastodon fine-tuning.
Cartoon ©Boynton
#exhausted #frazzled #needsleep #zombified
#zombified #needsleep #frazzled #exhausted
Je viens de faire 600/60 dans la calculatrice.... 🤦♂️
QEMU is so complex that one could pursuit a 2 years specialization on it. I wonder if one could get a job at Multipass or LXD?
But... nah! I'll just keep on my path of knowing less and less about more and more things until someday I may know nothing about everything.