Any other US folx feel intellectually scammed by being born and raised in the states? I envy other countries where it is natural to have learned multiple languages and experienced many more cultures than I have in the sundown town I was raised in. #FridayMorningThoughts #EnglishAsMyOnlyLanguage #FOMO #Bilingual #NeedToEscape #German #Spanish #French #Russian #Gaelic #Mandarin #Hindi
#fridaymorningthoughts #englishasmyonlylanguage #fomo #bilingual #needtoescape #german #spanish #french #russian #gaelic #mandarin #hindi
Any other US folx feel intellectually scammed by being born and raised in the states? I envy other countries where it is natural to have learned multiple languages and experienced many more cultures than I have in the sundown town I was raised in. #FridayMorningThoughts #EnglishAsMyOnlyLanguage #FOMO #Bilingual #NeedToEscape #German #Spanish #French #Russian #Gaelic #Mandarin #Hindi
#fridaymorningthoughts #englishasmyonlylanguage #fomo #bilingual #needtoescape #german #spanish #french #russian #gaelic #mandarin #hindi