American Sign Language Intro to Ocean Exploration and E/V Nautilus | Nautilus Live
13 min video
The Largest Impact Crater on the Planet; Hidden in Australia, The Deniliquin Structure
5 min video
might be a new one discovered
Deep relaxation: Chill out with these deep-sea octopuses
5 min video
Jelly-like siphonophores astound with their breathtaking beauty
6 min video
get ready for cool
Growing up as a benthic baby can be challenging in the deep sea
2 min video
More amazing stuff from Iran
Ancient Ice-Making Machines Found In Persian Desert, The Yakhchāl
3 min video
USGS camera captures eruption on Kilauea
5 min video
Sideprojects Ancient Civilizations Youve Probably Never Heard Of
How to See Inside Anything
7 min video
Muons are an alternative to x-rays and have a completely different scale (big).
Ancient Americas
The History Of Ancient Maya Cities :Part 1
One of my favorite channels to scratch that archeology itch.
45 min video
#maya #anthropology #archeology #neeto
Strange Liquid That Produces Electricity When Touched
10 min video
The Secret Behind Jupiter's Northern Lights | Space Mysteries | BBC Earth Lab
8 min video
total physics nerd out.
Anton Petrov: Strange New Explanation for Why Quantum World Collapses Into Reality
10 min video
Anton tends to cover astronomy but samples other scientific fields in his posts.