@randomgeek #Neeva was nice but they tried chasing the “#AI” dragon’s tail like every other #SearchEngjne now trying to be an “#AnswerEngine,” ran out of funding runway and closed shop a month ago.
At least they had their own spider bot and index, unlike #DuckDuckGo. Probably contributed to the above collapse
RIP #NeevaSearch
#neeva #ai #searchengjne #answerengine #duckduckgo #neevasearch
One more thought on the end of #neevasearch
The #neevai worked relatively well for me, mostly due to the quotations it had.
But from what I could see as a user it didn't seem special enough to solely base a *sustainable* business on.
There is a good opportunity for #neeva to get investor money as they seem to through it at all things #ai and #llm.
I am not sure if we will ever say an actual product come out of this. But the search engine was very good, so maybe the team has what it takes
#neevasearch #neevai #neeva #ai #llm
Just read that #Neeva will shut down 02 June. I'm very sorry to hear that. I really enjoyed using your product, the search results were notably different - it got me what I was looking for.
But I also understand that the marked is hard, was too hard for your goals. After all, a business has to make enough money to keep afloat.
Best of luck to the team for your new endeavours in #LLMs
That didn't take long. Three weeks after announcing the removal of their value-added services, #Neeva is now completely shutting down their public consumer search site on June 2. Still chasing “#AI” https://neeva.com/blog/may-announcement
I’m disappointed this money pit is no longer just distracting people and has started eating good products like #NeevaSearch
Well, this sucks. #NeevaSearch is quickly dropping some very useful features as they chase the "#AI" dragon.
I'm going to miss Spaces and Personalized #Search. I didn't use Connected Apps that much, but it's going to sting for those who paid for a subscription specifically to add capabilities to that feature.
@thelinuxcast Try #NeevaSearch . It was started by ex-Google employees and is free of ads and respects your privacy. I have been using them for about three years now and their results have always worked for me (especially for techie stuff). Google is on the way out.
Love the content. Keep up the great work!