Josiah Winslow · @winslowjosiah
53 followers · 276 posts · Server

Day 28

My brother asked me to test out different colors. So I showed him a bluescale . This is apparently not what he meant; he wanted to be able to change the disk colors! 😅

Also, I'm testing out , which on average goes slightly faster than .

#agbic #palette #negascout #negamax #pico8 #gamejam #gamedev #gamedevelopment #indiedev #programming

Last updated 1 year ago

Josiah Winslow · @winslowjosiah
24 followers · 212 posts · Server

I've created an that can easily kick my butt. This is probably the AI I'm using in my entry in 2023.

It uses the standard (actually ) with alpha-beta pruning. No transposition tables yet (mainly because I don't yet know how they work).

It takes only a few seconds to make a move (though I made a few cutbacks to get it that fast), which will hopefully mean it's fast enough on PICO-8.

#othello #ai #pico8 #agbic #minimax #algorithm #negamax #programming #artificialintelligence #reversi

Last updated 1 year ago