Thanks to all who have replied.
What I have learnt so far from this thread.
Increased rooftop solar penetration should incentivise more storage.
Your electricity bill will probably shift from energy production to energy transfer. Paying for plies and wires.
Don’t assume everyone lives in sunny Qld where really, there is only one season. 😉
#RooftopSolar #Renewable #NegativePrices #ResidentialSolar
#rooftopsolar #renewable #negativeprices #residentialsolar
I really do wonder about this. #RenewableEnergy
Solar farms had to shut down during the day coz residential solar was sending prices negative.#SthAust
As rooftop increases, will retailers be left bidding to power industry while households pay almost nothing.
And will govt limit rooftop solar to appease profits?
#auspol #RooftopSolar #ResidentialSolar #NegativePrices #Renewables #solar
#renewableenergy #sthaust #auspol #rooftopsolar #residentialsolar #negativeprices #renewables #solar
RT And we are seeing rapid change - each Quarterly Energy Dynamics report highlights a new emerging trend.
I use it in most presentations that I do.
#negativeprices are my topic of the day for #energy #EconTwitter
#negativeprices #energy #econtwitter