The Psychic Mantra · @khudaniariya
10 followers · 207 posts · Server

Unleashing the Power of Your Mind: Conquer Obstacles with Positive Thinking!

Don't let negative thoughts take over! Believe in yourself and your abilities. Visualize success and watch your mind overcome any physical obstacle. Harness the power of your mind and keep pushing!

#physicalobstacles #changeyourmindset #mightytool #keeppushing #trustyourabilities #believeinyourself #speakpositiveaffirmations #visualizesuccess #negativethoughts #powerofyourmind

Last updated 1 year ago

Shifting fear-based, to more empowering ones can help in .
We can learn to reframe our thoughts and change the way we think about things.

Try reframing as "I CAN" and see how that changes your reality.
It takes practice, but the more you do it, the more you'll believe it.


#limitingthoughts #overcominganxiety #negativethoughts #anxiety #anxietydisorder #anxietyrecovery #anxietyhealing #anxietytips #emotionalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

sbug · @sbug
32 followers · 70 posts · Server

So much negative stuff happening in the world.

The US, UK and EU, all wants to ban encryption and privacy.

Racism and LGBTQ-phobia on the rise all over the world.

Women’s rights taken away from them.

Climate crisis only getting worse.

In times like these I just want to take something mind & mood altering to get away from it all. πŸ˜”

#feelingdown #negativethoughts #sad

Last updated 1 year ago

Shifting fear-based, to more empowering ones can help in .
We can learn to reframe our thoughts and change the way we think about things.

Try reframing as "I CAN" and see how that changes your reality.
It takes practice, but the more you do it, the more you'll believe it.


#limitingthoughts #overcominganxiety #negativethoughts #anxiety #anxietydisorder #anxietyrecovery #anxietyhealing #anxietytips #emotionalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

The Psychic Mantra · @khudaniariya
5 followers · 91 posts · Server

Eliminate Negative Thoughts in 2 Steps

Take control of your thoughts and practice re-framing! It's a great way to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. Replace bad habits with good ones and remind yourself of your goals.

#acknowledgethoughts #talkwithfriends #replacementhabits #negativethoughts #goals #deepbreathing #reframing #positivehabits #positivethoughts #thepsychicmantra

Last updated 2 years ago

Shifting fear-based, to more empowering ones can help in .
We can learn to reframe our thoughts and change the way we think about things.

Try reframing as "I CAN" and see how that changes your reality.
It takes practice, but the more you do it, the more you'll believe it.


#limitingthoughts #overcominganxiety #negativethoughts #anxiety #anxietydisorder #anxietyrecovery #anxietyhealing #anxietytips #emotionalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Shifting fear-based, to more empowering ones can help in .
We can learn to reframe our thoughts and change the way we think about things.

Try reframing as "I CAN" and see how that changes your reality.
It takes practice, but the more you do it, the more you'll believe it.


#limitingthoughts #overcominganxiety #negativethoughts #anxiety #anxietydisorder #anxietyrecovery #anxietyhealing #anxietytips #emotionalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Shifting fear-based, limiting thoughts to more empowering ones can help in overcoming .
We can learn to reframe our thoughts and change the way we think about things.

Try reframing as "I CAN" and see how that changes your reality.
It takes practice, but the more you do it, the more you'll believe it.


#anxiety #negativethoughts #anxietydisorder #anxietyrecovery #anxietyhealing #anxietytips #emotionalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

the outliar · @the_outliar
13 followers · 19 posts · Server

@mattblaze We all could do a bit more honest . Humility only goes far. Most of us can always use a bit of an ego boost. It is the that concerns me. I say toot your horn!
(I believe the concern is more about grifters and the corporate world. )

#selfpromotion #selfdestructive #negativethoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

James Bean · @SantMat
131 followers · 758 posts · Server