#NowPlaying #Negativland – A Big 10–8 Place (CD version w/ bumper sticker and bag of grass)
And when talking about Computer Art AND #Negativland, Discernment needs to be mentioned.
Negativland/Maloney, Tim: Gimme the Mermaid, film, 2000/2002. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter VI.3.4. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-VI.3e.html #timmaloney #negativland #thomasdreher #mediaactivism #copyright #copyrightindustry #illegalart #illegalartshow #fairuse #fairuseact #fairusedoctrine #fairusedoctrineartwork
#fairusedoctrineartwork #fairusedoctrine #fairuseact #fairuse #illegalartshow #illegalart #copyrightindustry #Copyright #mediaactivism #thomasdreher #negativland #timmaloney
Nun, das wäre nicht das erste Konzert, für das ich sogar nach Berlin fahre… 😉
Wenn Du mehr weißt, bitte mit #Negativland getagged tooten, Danke vorab! 😊
We all where Negativland got their name, and all know Stephen Stapleton’s favorite music. So have the two met? And why no collab?
#Negativland #nursewithwound #krautrock
#negativland #nursewithwound #krautrock
A cat which is nine feet high...one of his paws goes up and down...and he has a bee.
#ANicePlaceToLive #IveBeenThroughThatPartOfTheCountry #LargeVialsOfBubblingChemicals
#negativland #aniceplacetolive #ivebeenthroughthatpartofthecountry #largevialsofbubblingchemicals
As debates over "Generative AI" (which neither "generative," nor "artificial," etc, etc) rage, it's worth revisiting how earlier debates about automation, creativity and appropriation played out.
This week in #ClotMagazine, #EstelaOliva interviews electronic music pioneers #JenniferWalshe and Jon "#Wobbly" Leidecker (#Negativland):
#clotmagazine #estelaoliva #jenniferwalshe #wobbly #negativland
🙄 Aus aktuellem Anlass…
#christianityisstupid #negativland
Candide by Voltaire
Dr. Strangelove by Kubrick
Dispepsi by Negativland
Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein
Listed above are lifetime favorite resources that have influenced me. I’m sure there are more, but scouring my mind defeats the purpose of this list. My mind calls forth these works repeatedly with no effort.
Other contenders: Hitchcock, The Simpsons, Mister Rogers, The Muppets, On Being.
#artist #influences #Inspiration #list #voltaire #candide #kubrick #negativland #GertrudeStein
#gertrudestein #negativland #kubrick #candide #voltaire #list #inspiration #influences #artist
The #negativland movie was . . basically a 90 minute glitchy audio collage, so.. right on brand. but not so much of a documentary. @SpaghettiJnFilm@twitter.com is a beautiful and really strange genre film on finding human connection #buff23
Tomorrow @ #Buff23 - my favorite band from the early 90s that nearly got sued out of existence by U2. wish you were here, @denimclature@twitter.com - https://brattlefilm.org/movies/stand-by-for-failure-a-documentary-about-negativland/ #negativland
Ha! I have somewhere to wear this where no one will mistake me for a U2 fan. #negativland #buff #buff23
Do you know how many time zones there are in the Soviet Union?
It’s not even funny.
#musicvideos #timezones #dst #negativland
RT @ovvo: It's #fair and #legal: dedicated two U, #nowplaying #Guns, #Negativland. Yes, it is an important chapter of the "The Story of the Letter U and the Numeral 2"
#1991 #EP #U2 #songsofexperience #islandrecords #sstrecords #america #soundcollage #off #ovvo… https://t.co/aMvsV2KDF5 https://t.co/YQeUFL8qiw
#fair #legal #nowplaying #guns #negativland #EP #U2 #songsofexperience #islandrecords #sstrecords #America #soundcollage #off #ovvo
"This was the first thing I put together about Negativland... a video I made about David "The Weatherman" Wills in 2015. I never considered it finished, just sort of a concept but I guess that it turned into Stand By For Failure. However, I just re-watched this and found that almost none of it is in that movie, so here it is!"
Ryan Worsley: The Weatherman