I had so much overstock from last month that I haven't needed to make more than a few plush here and there. But I got to make this little stack this week, and it just made me happy. ❤️🧸
#pockettoku #plush #handmade #legatobluesummers #mettaton #idiashroud #rolloflamme #neigeleblanche #cidhighwind
#pockettoku #plush #handmade #legatobluesummers #mettaton #idiashroud #rolloflamme #neigeleblanche #cidhighwind
The gentle idol joins the other assorted students in the plush lineup! ❄️ 🤍
Neige, Rollo, and Chenya are all available for stacking here-> https://www.etsy.com/listing/1349582410/other-twisted-students-pocket-plush
#pockettoku #handmade #plush #twistedwonderland #neigeleblanche #chenya #rolloflamme
#pockettoku #handmade #plush #twistedwonderland #neigeleblanche #chenya #rolloflamme