When she came home from work yesterday my wife could smell the fish I'd had for lunch.
"It was one small tin of sardines" I said.
Then the muse grabbed me so I added "But it was a giant leap for sardine-kind".
Well it amused me.
#sardines #fish #food #neilarmstrong
Ho visto finalmente "Il primo uomo", di #DamienChazelle, basato sulla biografia di #NeilArmstrong. Anche grazie alle interpretazioni misurate di #RyanGosling e #ClaireFoy, è un #film intimo, dolcemente doloroso, malinconico, molto umano, che alla spettacolarizzazione dell'impresa e ai toni trionfali della conquista, preferisce il non detto, il non visto, la vicenda umana dell'uomo dietro la Storia.
Decisamente consigliato.
#cinema #spazio #luna #missioniapollo #apollo11 #nasa #mastocinema
#damienchazelle #neilarmstrong #ryangosling #ClaireFoy #film #cinema #spazio #luna #missioniapollo #apollo11 #nasa #mastocinema
Neil Armstrong becomes first man to walk on the Moon at 02:56 UTC (10:56PM EDT) July 21, 1969.
I was at Camp Durant the week of Apollo 11 in 1969. The Boy Scout Camp had no TVs or radios. I had decided to smuggle my 13" Motorola Cadet B&W to camp that year.
#Apollo11 #nasa #michaelcollins #buzzaldrin #neilarmstrong
Today, 54 years ago, at 03:56:20 CET, #NeilArmstrong became the first human to set foot on the #moon.
And to remember. At that time a #computer was a #woman. Without the #RocketGirls (who were in fact adults) the whole #space program would not have happened. Unfortunately, only the men got the respect for their work.
btw a nice read: https://www.nathaliaholt.com/rise-of-the-rocket-girls
#neilarmstrong #moon #computer #woman #rocketgirls #space
One of my favorite childhood memories... proudly marching up and down the street with our American flags chanting "We've landed on the moon!"
#nasa #neilarmstrong #moon #Space
Atterraggio sulla Luna meglio di Neil Armstrong
#20luglio #neilarmstrong http://factchecking.parliamodi.news/2023/07/atterraggio-sulla-luna-meglio-di-neil.html
Am 20. Juli 1969, heute vor 54 Jahren, landeten Neil Armstrong und Buzz Aldrin als erste Menschen auf dem Mond.
Während Armstrong und Aldrin mit der Mondlandefähre Eagle landeten, umkreiste Michael Collins in der Kommandokapsel den Mond. Wenige Stunden nach der Landung – in Europa war bereits der 21. Juli – betrat Armstrong als erster Mensch den Mond.
#geschichte #historisch #heutevor #geschichtetoday #mondlandung #mond #raumfahrt #neilarmstrong #armstrong #apollo11 #florida
#florida #apollo11 #armstrong #neilarmstrong #raumfahrt #mond #mondlandung #geschichtetoday #heutevor #historisch #geschichte
Gizmodo: Melania Trump's Apollo 11 NFTs Violate NASA Guidelines https://gizmodo.com/melania-trump-apollo-11-nfts-violate-nasa-guidelines-1850656785 #explorationofthemoon #technologyinternet #draftutilitynfts #nonfungibletoken #neilarmstrong #melaniatrump #manonthemoon #buzzaldrin #apollo11 #boredape #spaceage #gizmodo #nasa
#explorationofthemoon #technologyinternet #draftutilitynfts #nonfungibletoken #neilarmstrong #melaniatrump #manonthemoon #buzzaldrin #apollo11 #boredape #spaceage #gizmodo #nasa
A #photograph of the lower section of an #Orion #crew #capsule in a work platform at the old “Manned Spaceflight Operations Center” at #KSC, now the #NeilArmstrong Operations and Checkout Building.
The new Orion integration pathway allows the Orion #spacecraft to be assembled, stacked on the #EuropeanServiceModule, and readied for #flight atop an #SLS #rocket.
The #LaunchAbortSystem integrated in a separate facility since the #LAS contains solid fueled rockets already. The stack is then integrated on top of SLS inside the Vehicle Assembly Building #VAB and then rolled out to #LC39B on the #Crawler-Transporter for #launch.
The O&C building, VAB, Crawler-Transporter, and LC-29B #infrastructure all have #Apollo-era heritage.
#photograph #orion #crew #capsule #ksc #neilarmstrong #spacecraft #europeanservicemodule #flight #sls #rocket #launchabortsystem #las #vab #lc39b #crawler #launch #infrastructure #apollo
RT @brandonjmphoto
#NASA #Crew6 walkout of the #NeilArmstrong Ops & Checkout Building to pose for photos & say goodbye to family before loading into #ModelX's to drive to the awaiting #Falcon9 that'll launch them to the #SpaceStation. 📷: me for @wmfeorlando
#SpaceX #FreelancePhotographer
#freelancephotographer #spacex #spacestation #Falcon9 #modelx #neilarmstrong #Crew6 #nasa
#TimDodd and #LexFridman - Was The #MoonLanding #Faked?
#Moon #TheMoon #NASA #Apollo #ApolloProgramme #Apollo11 #NeilArmstrong #BuzzAldrin #Conspiracy #ConspiracyTheory #ConspiracyTheories
#conspiracytheories #conspiracytheory #conspiracy #buzzaldrin #neilarmstrong #apollo11 #apolloprogramme #apollo #nasa #themoon #moon #faked #moonlanding #lexfridman #timdodd
#neilarmstrong #caricatureresolution2023 #kuretakebrushpen #contourlinedrawing @caricatureresolution @iscacaricatures #mastoart
#neilarmstrong #caricatureresolution2023 #kuretakebrushpen #contourlinedrawing #mastoart
TIL #GeorgeSantos was the cameraman who took the iconic video of #NeilArmstrong taking his first steps on the #Moon.
#georgesantos #neilarmstrong #moon
#Apollo11 (#SaturnV SA-506 rocket) launched from #KennedySpaceCenter's Launch Complex 39A on July 16, 1969, carrying Commander #NeilArmstrong, Command Module Pilot #MichaelCollins and Lunar Module Pilot #Edwin "#Buzz" #Aldrin on a journey to the #Moon. #NeilArmstrong and #BuzzAldrin spent 21 hours, 36 minutes on the #Moon's surface.
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#SpaceMastodon #Spacedon #Space #Astronomy #Astrodon #ScienceMastodon #Sciencedon #Science #Apollo #MoonMissions
#apollo11 #saturnv #kennedyspacecenter #neilarmstrong #michaelcollins #edwin #buzz #aldrin #moon #buzzaldrin #SpaceMastodon #spacedon #space #astronomy #Astrodon #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science #apollo #moonmissions
On July 20, 1969, Astronauts #NeilArmstrong and #BuzzAldrin became the first #Earth humans to step onto the lunar surface. Together they collected 47.5 pounds of lunar material for return to Earth. An estimated 650 million Earth humans watched this historic event. #Apollo11 set the stage for continued exploration of the #Moon.
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#SpaceMastodon #Spacedon #Space #Astronomy #Astrodon #ScienceMastodon #Sciencedon #Science #Apollo #MoonMissions
#neilarmstrong #buzzaldrin #earth #apollo11 #moon #SpaceMastodon #spacedon #space #astronomy #Astrodon #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science #apollo #moonmissions
The Wonderful Neil Armstrong mural on Walnut Street, my first hero!!
Walnut Street
June 21st, 2022
Neil lived in Cincinnati after his retirement from NASA. He worked at University of Cincinnati as a professor of Aerospace Engineering.
He passed away in 2012.
#nasa #neilarmstrong #uc #universityofcincinnati
#Cincinnati #ohiobirtplaceofaviation #ohioheroes
#nasa #neilarmstrong #UC #universityofcincinnati #cincinnati #ohiobirtplaceofaviation #ohioheroes