The most vocal among these LLM-blighted publishers is #NeilClarke, editor of the great #Clarkesworld, who is waging a one-man war on spammy LLM submissions. His latest dispatch from the front lines (ominously titled "It continues…") would be hacky sf, if it wasn't real:
“Yes, there are tools out there for detecting plagiarized and machine-written text, but they are prone to false negatives and positives. One of the companies selling these services is even playing both sides, offering a tool to help authors prevent detection. Even if used solely for preliminary scoring and later reviewed by staff, automating these third-party tools into a submissions process would be costly. I don’t think any of the short fiction markets can currently afford the expense.”
There is a market for fraud detection if the tools are good enough and cheap enough.
#NeilClarke / #writing / #ai #FraudDetection <>
#neilclarke #writing #ai #FraudDetection
Sci-fi becomes real as renowned magazine closes submissions due to AI writers - Enlarge / An AI-generated image of a robot eagerly writing a submission... - #clarkesworldmagazine #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #neilclarke #chatgpt #biz #openai #sci-fi #gpt-3 #ai
#ai #gpt #sci #openai #biz #chatgpt #neilclarke #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels #clarkesworldmagazine
Ars Technica: Sci-fi becomes real as renowned magazine closes submissions due to AI writers #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ClarkesworldMagazine #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #NeilClarke #ChatGPT #Biz&IT #openai #sci-fi #GPT-3 #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #clarkesworldmagazine #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #neilclarke #chatgpt #biz #openai #sci #gpt #ai
Kotaku: AI Forgeries Are Messing With The Sci-Fi World #gaming #tech #kotaku #computationalneuroscience #entertainment2cculture #artificialintelligence #academicdisciplines #catherynnemvalente #creativityclarke #elizabethbear #clarkesworld #cybernetics #neilclarke #technology #peterwatts #eyeclarke #articles #amazon #kindle
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #computationalneuroscience #entertainment2cculture #artificialintelligence #academicdisciplines #catherynnemvalente #creativityclarke #elizabethbear #clarkesworld #cybernetics #neilclarke #technology #peterwatts #eyeclarke #articles #amazon #kindle
A Kickstarter by Neil Clarke for "A Hundred Ghosts Parade Tonight and Other Stories" by Xia Jia, which is planned to be the debut book in a translation-focused imprint of Wyrm Publishing.
#Kickstarter #EBooks #Books #SFF #Translations #NeilClarke
#kickstarter #ebooks #books #sff #translations #neilclarke
Neil Clarke reveals the cover and Table of Contents for his new anthology, "The Eagle Has Landed: 50 Years Of Lunar Science Fiction".
#SFF #NeilClarke #Collections #Books
#sff #neilclarke #collections #books