RT @velocirapture23
not only is #NeilFerguson (literally caught w/pants down flouting own #Lockdown) the always-wrong epidemiological equivalent of millenarian cult ("apocalypse tomorrow!" for foot&mouth, BSE, bird/swine flu &c) but apparently Imperial College couldn't code https://axisofeasy.com/aoe/computer-model-that-locked-down-the-world-turns-out-to-be-shtcode/
đ đ COVIDâ19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas."
â Dr George Brock Chisholm, first Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) from 1948 to 1953
#ID2020 #BillGates #GSK #NeilFerguson #BigPharma #WHO #vaccination #Covid19 #CEPI #GAVI
#id2020 #billgates #gsk #neilferguson #bigpharma #who #vaccination #covid19 #cepi #gavi
Who controls the British Government response to #Covid19 ?
..The scientific clique influencing government decisions is one that is incorporated into a for-profit #BigPharma industrial network which will, undeniably, benefit from the measures being taken by the British Government â a government that is financially embedded in the same complex...
#NeilFerguson #Gavi #VIMC
#covid19 #bigpharma #neilferguson #gavi #vimc
đ Salut les moutons noirs et blanc !đ
L'arnaqueur star #NeilFerguson chantre du confinement, dĂ©missionne aprĂšs lâavoir enfreint
#Covid19 : #NeilFerguson
...Ferguson a reconnu, le 22 mars, avoir effectuĂ© ses calculs sur lâĂ©pidĂ©mie de Covid-19 exclusivement avec une base de donnĂ©es vieille de 13 ans relative aux Ă©pidĂ©mies de grippe....
#neilferguson #covid19 #who #oms
Computer model that locked down the world turns out to be sh*tcode.
##AxisOfEasy #COVID-19 #ImperialCollege #lockdown #NeilFerguson
#neilferguson #lockdown #imperialcollege #covid #axisofeasy