#prigionierodellasecondastrada di #melvinfrank #MelEdison (un grande #jacklemmon ) è un uomo di mezza età felicemente sposato con Edna ( #AnneBancroft ), con le figlie che frequentano un ottimo college, e un lavoro di responsabilità da oltre vent’anni, presso un’importante azienda newyorkese. In una delle giornate più calde e afose dell’anno, inizia per Mel la sua personale... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=7282 #UnoCinema #UnoFilm #cinema #film #neilsimon #genesaks #sylvesterstallone #fmurrayabraham
#prigionierodellasecondastrada #melvinfrank #meledison #jacklemmon #annebancroft #unocinema #unofilm #cinema #film #neilsimon #genesaks #sylvesterstallone #fmurrayabraham
#ericcalasposoelammazzo #ElaineMay è una delle autrici e sceneggiatrici più importanti della sua generazione, candidata all’Oscar, fra l’altro, per #Ilparadisopuòattendere diretto da Warren Beatty. Ma la sua carriera inizia già negli anni Cinquanta accanto a #MikeNichols (che poi dirigerà i debutti di alcune delle commedie più famose di #NeilSimon e film come #Illaureato #Conoscenzacarnale e #Unadonnaincarriera ... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=3347 #UnoCinema #UnoFilm #cinema #film #waltermatthau
#ericcalasposoelammazzo #elainemay #ilparadisopuoattendere #mikenichols #neilsimon #illaureato #conoscenzacarnale #unadonnaincarriera #unocinema #unofilm #cinema #film #waltermatthau
Today in 1950 — #YourShowOfShows debuted on NBC.
#SidCaesar and #ImogeneCoca starred in this live, 90-minute sketch comedy series, along w/ #CarlReiner and a writing staff that included #MelBrooks and #NeilSimon.
#nostalgia #1950stv #1950s #classictv #onthisday #neilsimon #melbrooks #carlreiner #imogenecoca #sidcaesar #yourshowofshows
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Episode 6 Recap: Ellie The Goodbye Girl https://kotaku.com/last-of-us-tlou-hbo-s1e6-joel-ellie-tommy-maria-jackson-1850135520 #gaming #tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #santaclaritadiet #richarddreyfuss #thegoodbyegirl #willlivingston #townofjackson #neithermarlon #grahamgreene #jacksonjoel #elainemiles #naughtydog #joeldexter #sallyride #neilsimon #marlene #fiction #marlon #ellie #sarah #kevin #maria #tommy #tess #dina #joel #sam #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #santaclaritadiet #richarddreyfuss #thegoodbyegirl #willlivingston #townofjackson #neithermarlon #grahamgreene #jacksonjoel #elainemiles #NaughtyDog #joeldexter #sallyride #neilsimon #marlene #fiction #marlon #ellie #sarah #kevin #maria #Tommy #tess #dina #joel #sam #hbo
RT @MichaelWarbur17@twitter.com
“Not in other words, those are the perfect ones!”
#WalterMatthau #JackLemmon #NeilSimon
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelWarbur17/status/1618967131458260993
#neilsimon #jacklemmon #waltermatthau
Been studying hard and almost got the first scene that I’m in - “Visitor from New York”.
Need to get to grips with the second scene, “Visitors from Chicago” - which is a real farce.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had to learn lines. I’ve impressed myself and my son has been impressed too.
#AmateurDramatics #drama #playwright #NeilSimon
#amateurdramatics #drama #playwright #neilsimon
"I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you, not to the exclusion of love, sensitivity, and cooperation with others, but with the strength of conviction that you can move others by your own efforts, and do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live, the chances are you'll be a person worthy of your own respects."
–Neil Simon (Rewrites: A Memoir)
#quote #quotable #NeilSimon #path #respect #pagan #heathen #interfaithheathen #spirituality #typewriter
#typewriter #spirituality #interfaithheathen #heathen #pagan #respect #path #neilsimon #quotable #quote
Of course because it’s my vacation I’ve ended up getting sick. Never fails! I’m in bed watching California Suite as my time off dwindles 😢 #movies #MaggieSmith #The70s #NeilSimon
#movies #maggiesmith #the70s #neilsimon
“I’d rather get laughs than sympathy.”
Victor Mature in After the Fox
#afterthefox #desica #vittoriodesica #neilsimon #victormature
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#afterthefox #desica #vittoriodesica #neilsimon #victormature #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#NeilSimon has died at the age of 91. While in high school & college, I performed a lot of his work, everything from #BarefootInThePark & #TheOddCouple to #BiloxiBlues. His screenplay for #TheOutOfTowners is so underrated. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/26/obituaries/neil-simon-dead.html
#neilsimon #barefootinthepark #theoddcouple #biloxiblues #theoutoftowners