@toriver @breadandcircuses well @pge4me, SCE, and @sdge sure just managed to screw any new investor-owned solar in California as of April, at approximately 1/3 of previous buy-back, meaning it could take much longer to pay off a new system, but slickly couched as “harming” non-participating ratepayers. If you were about to install solar, don’t. #NBT #NEM3 #boondoggle #assholes #incomeinequality
#nbt #nem3 #boondoggle #assholes #incomeinequality
Design Milk : Lunar’s Modular Design Sets Out to Simplify and Streamline Home Energy Storage https://design-milk.com/lunar-energy-modular-home-battery/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lunar-energy-modular-home-battery #homeenergystorage #iFDesignAward2023 #batterybackup #Technology #NEM3.0 #solar #Main
#homeenergystorage #ifdesignaward2023 #batterybackup #technology #nem3 #solar #main
#NEM3.0 https://bit.ly/nem3_0 approved by the @californiapuc https://bit.ly/3BHeA8h "Currently, average #netmetering rates range from $0.23/kWh to $0.35/kWh, and the new proposed decision cuts those rates to an average of $0.05 /kWh to $0.08/kWh" https://bit.ly/3FX5EOM #solar
#CPUC just pushed out last revision of the #NEM3.0 proposed decision. #Cal #Energy #RooftopPV #PV
Find the redline at
#cpuc #nem3 #cal #energy #rooftoppv #pv