Tjeerd Royaards · @royaards
275 followers · 149 posts · Server
Work in Progress · @unfinishedsymphony
56 followers · 491 posts · Server

*Pavan Kulkarni*
**Mass protests against French troops intensify in Niger as the deadline for their withdrawal approaches**

>France refuses to withdraw its ambassador and troops from Niger, and reiterates its threat of supporting military invasion by ECOWAS, while the regional bloc itself is “determined to bend backwards to accommodate diplomatic efforts”

#neocolonialism #france

Last updated 1 year ago

Greg W. · @GW
1033 followers · 2198 posts · Server

: Pillaging the Earth for the ‘Climate’

Native Americans take a stand against “green” extractivism in the Nevada desert.

“Before the factories were built,” a Mongolian farmer named Li Guirong told The Guardian, “there were just fields here as far as the eye can see….there were watermelons, aubergines and tomatoes.” With decades of rare earth came toxification of soil and groundwater, which over time killed all his livestock – pigs, cows, horses..

#neocolonialism #mining

Last updated 1 year ago

indyradio · @indyradio
45 followers · 659 posts · Server

US Media lies debunked
"Niger’s wealth of uranium ore has helped fuel more than a fourth of the EU’s nuclear energy plants, and much of France’s.

A decade ago, France returned to the Sahel region as a military force, in the name of fighting Jihadists.

Yet, violence grew, forcing African Sahel countries to rebel, starting in the Central African Republic, then Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, and, finally, Niger."

#neocolonialism #Niger

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
182 followers · 409 posts · Server
· @iyp_iyouport
150 followers · 69 posts · Server


但我想给您讲述一些银屏没有告诉您的事 —— 关于这位 "原子弹之父"是从哪里获得的铀,能让他在广岛和长崎蒸发掉数十万平民?


#奥本海默 #Oppenheimer #congo #nuclear #colonialism #neocolonialism #extractivistcapitalism #humanrights #china

Last updated 1 year ago

Team Rackete · @carorackete
1615 followers · 19 posts · Server

The National Congress (CNI) and the campaign in are calling for a global action day against on October 12.

We're sharing the full Englisch translation of their communiqué here (with links to the Spanish original and German translation at the end). Let's make a loud, international day of with the people of the global south! ✊


More than two thousand years ago, the war between empires for the acquisition of land, natural resources, and geostrategic trade sites, was based on the conquest of territories and the creation of borders. This was always done at the expense of the destruction of cultures and the blood of indigenous peoples.

This history of genocide and plunder, has Europe in its centre, seeking to expand itself to Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Thanks to this massive plundering, the great economic and political powers emerged. They started to compete for power and hegemony in a world under construction, for its borders and trade routes.

This ambition would finance campaigns of "exploration" to all corners of the planet. One of them, took place more than 500 years ago, with "the discovery of America, the clash of worlds". This history was written by the victors, with the blood of millions of murdered indigenous people and the ethnocide of millenary cultures.

At this point in time, the plundering and looting became global, and the main commercial routes of the great capitals were established. This, together with the advance of industry and technology, made historical developments more and more violent, happening simultaneously everywhere in the world.

Here and now, when we talk about Neocolonization, we reflect beyond the theory, discourses, and historical debt of the Global North, (these are issues that we must continue to work on individually and collectively). To speak of Neocolonization, is to speak of the threats and violence happening to all corners of the Global South and to Mother Nature. These are destroying our PRESENT and threatening the FUTURE of all of us.

However, this is also a history of resistance. We are the insurrections against pharaohs and kings, we are the revolts against landowners and rulers, we are the guerrillas, the independences, the revolutions, the strikes, the occupations, the recovery of lands, and of course we are also, Organization and Autonomy, Cultures and Traditions, Alliances, Networks and Articulations, we are our Ancestries and Territories. We are equal because we are different and among so many differences, there are more things that unite us, than those that divide us.

In order not to forget, to remember, to unite in the face of so much adversity, WE CALL on the Peoples, Communities, Organizations, Collectives, Cooperatives, and all expressions of social movements relating to Indigenous, Peasant, Popular, Anarchist, Feminist, Environmentalist, Human Rights Defenders, Free Media and other struggles, to organize and carry out actions on October 12 in a decentralized, organized and coordinated manner.

We demand the end of the dispossession, plunder and destruction of nature and territories by big global capital and corporate states!

Stop racism, fascism and imposition of new military and industrial borders, migration is not a crime!

Stop violence and repression against social movements, organizations, communities, and peoples defending nature, the future and life itself on the planet!

Stop the war of extermination against the Zapatist, Kurdish, Palestinian peoples and all the peoples of the GLOBAL SOUTH, who struggle and resist for a dignified human life!

Enough of trans-feminicide violence, respect for diversity and gender dissidence!

We demand Truth and Justice for those who were disappeared and murdered!

Freedom for political prisoners!

For housing and a dignified life, stop gentrification and predatory tourism!

If they touch one of us, they touch us all!

For an anti-patriarchal, anti-capitalist, anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-racist and anti-imperialist struggle, another system is possible!

THE SOUTH RESISTS! in every corner of the !

If you want to participate and share the activities that will take place in your town, send an email to, signatures and information will be received until September 17.

We call you to stay tuned for information and future communications through the website


Original en ESPAÑOL:

Übersetzung auf DEUTSCH:

@trenmayastoppen @chiapas98 @girahh

#indigenous #elsurresiste #mexico #neocolonialism #october12 #solidarity #globalsouth

Last updated 1 year ago

“Canada has long undermined efforts by impoverished countries to draw greater benefits from their commodities. Ottawa’s opposition to Indonesia’s move to add value to its nickel and rejection of its call for a producers’ partnership is a recent example.”

#cdnpoli #neocolonialism #mining

Last updated 1 year ago

Earthworm · @earthworm
445 followers · 1675 posts · Server

@fulelo @farhanasultana @ericholthaus
Here some extracts of the article (to make you read it, it's totally worth 😉):

"While the global community congratulates itself on achieving what is politically possible, we cannot overlook the anemic nature of the agreement considering the magnitude of the problem. It will not avoid the death of millions – because they simply do not matter.” (Pulido, 2018, p. 128)
Ernstson and Swyngedouw (2019) termed the depoliticizing technocratic discourse that coexists with obscene capitalist accumulation and waste as the Anthropo-obscene (critiquing the totalizing banner of Anthropocene that homogenizes an undifferentiated humanity that does not exist).
A performance of diversion, delay, co-optation, and performativity without substance is repeated almost annually. Nonetheless, these are also spaces of opportunities to challenge the system, to utter necessary words for more people to hear, collectivize among young and old activists, learn from different positionalities, create new openings and possibilities of alliances – in other words, a repoliticization of climate instead of the depoliticized techno-economist utopias that never deliver.
আমরা কোথায় যাব, আমাদের কি ভবিষ্যৎ? আমরাকি হত্তছারা, পরিত্যক্ত? (Where will my people go, what future do we have? Must we remain abandoned, forsaken?) The disproportionate burden of climate damage is falling on formerly colonized and brutalized racialized communities in the developing world. We are still colonized, but this time through climate change, the development industry, and globalization. I feel an immense responsibility to do something. But no one is going to listen to someone like me, and even more importantly, more marginalized peoples, women and children, farmers and fisherfolk, writers and scholars. But we are all expected to be resilient because we have no choice.
Climate coloniality is perpetuated through global land and water grabs, REDD+ programs, neoliberal conservations projects, rare earth mineral mining, deforestation for growth, fossil fuel warfare, and new green revolutions for agriculture – which benefit a few while dispossessing larger numbers of historically-impoverished, often elsewhere.
I stop now, there is too much truth. You should read the article anyway :ecoanarchism_heart:

#ClimateChange #decolonization #anticolonization #ClimateJustice #climatecolonialism #ClimateColoniality #environmentaljustice #capitalism #neocolonialism #racism #COP26 #cop27 #scholaractivism #indigenousscholars

Last updated 1 year ago

la redite · @fhvnn
2 followers · 185 posts · Server

sending 1000 cops in

threatening to intervene in

both are manifestations of

#kenya #Ayiti #haiti #CEDEAO #ECOWAS #niger #neocolonialism

Last updated 1 year ago

la redite · @fhvnn
2 followers · 185 posts · Server

sending 1000 cops in

threatening to intervene in

both are manifrstations of

#kenya #Ayiti #haiti #CEDEAO #ECOWAS #niger #neocolonialism

Last updated 1 year ago

Thorough analysis about and involvement in Western Africa and Sudan, including Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Mali, Libya, even South Africa and Kenya. Militarization instead of economic support to help with A strange way to promote peace or challenge China’s African policies.

#france #us #ClimateChange #africa #niger #mali #china #roads #neocolonialism #democracynow #horacecampbell

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
158 followers · 193 posts · Server

Council of State cancels plan to build migrant center on Lesvos

The Council of State cancelled the license to build a Reception and Identification Center (RIC) for migrants and asylum applicants at Plati-Vastria on Lesvos island, following a petition by the North Aegean Region, it was announced on Tuesday.

#migrants #climatedisplacement #neoliberalism #neocolonialism #preparation #massdeath #governmentcollusion

Last updated 1 year ago

silentashes · @silentashes
28 followers · 238 posts · Server


… but look,
here i am using it,
“because it’s where everyone else is”

For those who are interested:
- “How to Kill a Decentralized Social Network”


Last updated 1 year ago

silentashes · @silentashes
28 followers · 238 posts · Server

@VeryBadLlama They’re hoarding resources enuff for 1% of the population to survive underground (and use AI-remote-control tech on the surface) for the next ~100 years

(until 2123).

new global society.

#perfect #vision #feudalism #control #neocolonialism #naturalorder #bs #biggerfish #ingest #digest #Capitalism #fakedarwinism

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
148 followers · 2233 posts · Server
Syphilia Morgenstierne · @Syphilia
305 followers · 5156 posts · Server
EURACTIV Global Europe · @euractiv_global
377 followers · 1638 posts · Server
Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
146 followers · 2191 posts · Server
Earthworm · @earthworm
437 followers · 1641 posts · Server

The second lesson is that it is a very ineffective geopolitical strategy to try to solve problems by pumping billions in the military of countries in crisis.
The military might soon feel superior to the civil governments and seize power.

This is sad, as these countries have great civil societies and grassroot movements that could play a much bigger role, if it weren't for the inefficient and and corrupt institutions.

#euhypocrisy #mali #burkinafaso #niger #africa #militarycoup #foreignpolicy #geopolitics #westernafrica #ECOWAS #neocolonialism

Last updated 1 year ago