It’s time that people accepted that the Canadian Freedumb Convoy protests were organized by neo-Nazis.
One man held a custom confederate flag (see in first photo).
Another man held a Swastika next to several others with “Fuck Trudeau” and “Don’t Tread On Me” flags (see in second photo).
#fascism #neonazis #nazi #Confederacy #neoconfederates #neoconfederatethugs #freedumb #freedumbconvoy #freedumbConvoy2022 #fascism #fascists #downwithfascism
#fascism #neonazis #nazi #Confederacy #neoconfederates #neoconfederatethugs #freedumb #freedumbconvoy #freedumbconvoy2022 #fascists #downwithfascism
I just saw a Flipboard magazine where the US civil war is described as the "war of northern aggression" ...
Some people really want a rematch.