After the have sufficiently weakened Russia via proxy they intend to switch to on , mostly and etc. Something to do with China not respecting laws, and wanting to maintain the integrity of their borders, or something such.

Know that embrace this.

They use online to promote mass outcomes they are setup to benefit from.

We call for instead.

#warmongers #war #asia #china #taiwan #intellectualproperty #neocons #anonymity #depopulation #plannedDegrowth #weaponsIndustry

Last updated 1 year ago

Timo Malum · @timomalum
216 followers · 10738 posts · Server

Kristol’s supposedly Republican operation has been funded by a top Democratic Party donor with close ties to US intelligence.

#neocons #BillKristol #ukraine

Last updated 1 year ago

Chaos Agents 4 Cornel West · @big_louse
370 followers · 8381 posts · Server

Everyone who was politically concious at the time knows this.

Forgive me for fudging the details here but FL Governor initially presented Fraudulent Election Results which left thousands of votes uncounted, there was a recount which was sabotaged and halted by Court Order, eventually the in Bush v in a truly bizarre ruling declared the winner.

This is not a conspiracy theory. These are all well documented facts. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fuckin liar and is not your friend

Sorry, ive just been getting gaslit about this by liberals a lot lately - thats how you know the are truly run by , theyre straight up rewriting history to cover their crimes

#JebBush #scotus #gore #bush #democrats #neocons

Last updated 1 year ago

JR.Ewing · @skn1
5 followers · 139 posts · Server

I want America free from the clutches of control.
occupied territories.

#israeli #aipac #neocons #uscongress

Last updated 1 year ago

JR.Ewing · @skn1
2 followers · 45 posts · Server

Where is Judith Miller of - her paymasters are here!

#wsj #herzog #israel #neocons #rats #zionistunion #apartheidisrael

Last updated 1 year ago

MoonBats 4 Cornel West · @big_louse
344 followers · 6462 posts · Server

seriously need to stop lying about the election

with help from his brother jeb sabotaged the vote counting process and delayed the recount until the supreme court arbitrarily ruled in Bush's favor *appointing* Bush as President.

That's ^^ is well documented historical fact.

had nothing to do with it. The entire logic of the "spoiler" is totally twisted and fucked up, no one can 'steal' a vote, a vote is not owned.

Why are you rewriting history to the benefit of GW Bush ( a really bad guy ) ?

# the top white house technocrats are

#democrats #2000election #GeorgeWBush #RalphNader #neocons

Last updated 1 year ago

thinking outside one box & jump into an other box


Last updated 2 years ago

openDemocracy · @openDemocracy
4159 followers · 291 posts · Server

The Iraq War 20 years on: End of the US’s post-9/11 neoconservative dream

The 2003 Iraq war led to huge numbers of civilian deaths, and continuing insurgencies in the Middle East and Africa.

#iraq #war #usa #uk #neocons

Last updated 2 years ago

⭐Spartacus · @IAmSpartacus
553 followers · 18962 posts · Server

Imperialism and have repeatedly released several maps, trying to convince , that they must fragment and balkanize and as they were thousands years ago, so that there is no competition for world hegemony.

They are so stupid and uneducated that they don't understand that both of these countries have thousands of years of civilization, and that it is much easier to brake up something as new as the itself.

#USA #cia #neocons #russia #china #us

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken · @Turntwo363
456 followers · 5053 posts · Server

I could not agree more with Cal Dem Syd!

The which are run by the and continue to everyone and about reality. I'm so damn sick of it! We need better and sourced media, now!


#democratic #progressive #lie #distract #neocons #GQP #msm

Last updated 2 years ago

Servelan · @servelan
203 followers · 4430 posts · Server

“We had a Party that was ruled by freaks, , globalists, open border zealots, and fools, but we are never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush,” Trump said to the crowd. “People are tired of and globalists. They want to see America First.”

Trump ties a ribbon on the most yet

#republican #neocons #rinos #MAGA #cpac

Last updated 2 years ago

:anarchiststar: ARIS · @Aris
17 followers · 156 posts · Server

Activists picket near the airbase in Germany, headquarters for the Air Forces in – Air Forces Africa and also for Allied Air Command. They protest against further arms supplies to Ukraine and demand peace talks.

Meanwhile, even the media are now forced by the situation to write some truth if they want to salvage any shred of credibility.

and collapse will be spectacular and enjoyable.

#ramstein #us #europe #nato #neocons #eu

Last updated 2 years ago

boondocksSherlock · @boondocksSherlock
18 followers · 134 posts · Server

@toomas_ilves Is that the same Eliot Cohen who was an ardent champion of the US invasion of Iraq & was convicted of lying to Congress about US aid to the Contras under Reagan? I support Ukraine in its resistance to clear Russian aggression & am no expert on the policies of Scholz & Macron. I just question the standing of Eliot Cohen (if I have the right guy here) to make such criticisms of anyone else.

#Ukraine #irancontra #russia #neocons #macron #scholz #eliotcohen

Last updated 2 years ago

:anarchiststar: ARIS · @Aris
13 followers · 106 posts · Server

knows his political career is over.

Having lost an outright majority in parliament in 2022, he now faces a major defeat on the pensions bill and, as has become the norm with the is very likely to quit.

is once again leading the way in the fight against oligarchy, while the rest of has succumbed to the 's most effective weapon,

#macron #eu #neocons #france #europe #us #hollywood

Last updated 2 years ago

Oliphaunt 🇫🇮 · @oliphaunt
48 followers · 1403 posts · Server
NilavroNill · @nilavronill
8 followers · 61 posts · Server
Post · @post
79 followers · 426 posts · Server

How can one think that the Russian military strikes civilian targets and kills civilians on purpose? They know full well that the US wants nothing more than excuses to convict them, so they will avoid war crimes by any means.

It has been explained many times since the beginning, but here are again the three reasons behind alleged attacks on civilian targets:

1. The Ukrainian army cowardly takes refuge in the cities and transforms civilian buildings into positions and weapons depots which the Russian army then destroys.

2. The Ukrainian military uses missile interception systems directly in cities, because it's easier to hit a Russian missile when it's close to the target and they don't care if the derailed missile ends up on civilians.

3. The Ukrainian army has received NATO weapons that they don't know how to use and sometimes they hit civilian buildings by accident.

The countries that actually have been bombing whole countries for years killing civilians to annihilate and terrorize those countries are mainly US, Israel, UK and France. And they did so knowing that their media's massive propaganda would cover everything.

#ukraine #russiaukrainewar #usimperialism #russia #propadanda #neocons #UkraineWar

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
26 followers · 851 posts · Server


2000s: misguided and astronomically costly "war on terror" deprives major democracies of moral high ground, esp. in authoritarian .

(Bonus theme: since 1980s , the '' (see above) and the unhingeness of the far-right that followed)


#propaganda #reaganism #neocons

Last updated 2 years ago

Heretical_i · @heretical_i
2 followers · 32 posts · Server

Two Duopolistic factions of a Plutocrat-owned government.

"Both mainstream factions ( and ) work to shrink the into a tug-o-war between Republican capitalist imperialists and Democrat capitalist imperialists. Between two opposing factions of ."

#democrats #republicans #overtonwindow #neoliberals #neocons

Last updated 2 years ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
71 followers · 421 posts · Server

are still better in dissembling nations than 🙄 shell we take it in a liberal sense as competition? 🤭

#neocons #anarchists

Last updated 2 years ago